Chapter 9

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*Kairav's POV*

"Kairav we'll leave you alone for right now, however even if you had a past with Judar, I want to know that we'll be able to trust you and that you'll continue to serve and protect the Kingdom of Sindria." Said Sinbad as he left with the other generals, all except for Yamrahia.

"Kairav are you okay?" Said Yamrahia.

I guess she was trying to comfort me, but I doubt that would work, because I still don't know how I feel about probably experiencing the worst day of my life. And I actually have a few reason as to why I'm having the worst day of my life! First off, Masrur had just asked me how I feel about him and I'm pretty nervous, then turns out my childhood friend has become evil, not only that but he still works for the Kou Empire and Al-Thamen, and ooh how I hate both that organization and country! The only thing that country has ever done for me brought me pain, in fact I'm pretty sure the only good thing that has ever come out of that country was Hakuryu and Kougykou! I just don't know what to do.

"Kairav please answer me."

"I'm fine Yamrahia, I guess I just don't know how to feel about all of this."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Sure maybe I'll feel better."

Yamrahia then smile at me and I return her gesture right back to her.

"Well where should I start?" I said as I let out a big sigh.

"When I was 6 years old I ran crying into the forest, because I had gotten into a fight with my mother. She would always hit me if I disappointed her during training, but she never hit my brother Kaynan because he was always her favorite and she would always fond over him, I sometimes even thought that she didn't even notice my presence from time to time. Anyway I went crying into the forest and I ran for at least 10 minutes or so and then I found a cave hidden behind a waterfall. I stayed there for an hour until I got hungry so I stayed near the waterfall and collect fruits from bushes, and trees nearby.As I was collecting some peaches I heard something. I turned around to face the waterfall, but what I saw was a boy who was probably the same exact age as me floating above the waterfall. He had red ringed eyes and long black hair that went down into a braid. We both stared right into each others eyes in complete silence until he asked what my name was."

*No ones POV*
*Flash Back*

"Oi, what's your name?" Said the red eyed kid.

"K-Kairav, what about you?"said the 6 year old Kairav

The boy then flies up to Kiarav, lands right in front of her and says "My names Judal. Hey are you gonna eat those peaches?" He said while pointing to the handful of peaches I had.

"Oh um yea I'm gonna eat them, but if you want we could share together."

"Fine, by the way what is this place I've never seen this island before."

"Oh this is The Kingdom of Xylon home to a powerful race of humans called the Lupercos, it's ruled by King August and Queen Nadia they're also my parents."

(((CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN)))             Her Fate (Masrur x OC)Where stories live. Discover now