Chapter 2

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*No one's POV*

"Ahh" says Kairav as she carefully tries to get out of bed without waking her younger sister and her sister's wolf.

Kairav begins to dress into a black crop top with a whole in the center of her chest slightly above her breast to show a little bit of cleavage. She then wears black pair of shorts with a gold belt that is connected to a long piece of black cloth extending from her rear end to the back of her knees.She puts on a headpiece that has small gold chains going around her head, with a blue gem on her forehead the is attached to her a headpiece. She then puts on a burgundy colored vest that shows her chest, and under her breast it a small strip of cloth the connects the vest together.

*Kairav's POV*

"Hey come on guys wake up." says Kairav quietly trying to wake up her younger sister and their wolves.

"Morning sis." Zahara says quietly.

"Ok so I have to head over to the meeting soon and I need take Alushia with me, so the means that you and Regan stay in my room, and don't even step foot out of my room. If someone comes into my room just hide under the bed with Regan. Got it?"

"Yeah yeah whatever mom." says Zahara sarcastically.

"Ok then I'll be back in hopefully an hour or 2, bye!" says Kairav while closing the door.

*No one's POV*

At the meeting Sinbad sat at the Head of the table on the right sat Ja'far, Sharrkan, Spartos, and Pisti.

On his left sat Hinahoho, Yamraiha, Drakon, and Masrur, while I sat at the end of the table facing directly to Sinbad and Alushia sitting on the floor besides me. Once I had taken my seat the meeting began.

After an hour into the meeting everyone became quiet at the sound of running and screaming, until Regan busted into the room jumped over me, sliding across the table and falling on top of Sinbad.

Each of the Generals were in complete shock trying to figure out what had just happened until Zahara came running it to the room and stopped right in front of the doorway, while all the generals stared at her in shock as well.

"Um Hello there everyone please to make you acquaintance, but has anyone seen a wolf come through here?" said Zahara awkwardly and trembling in fear.

Regan jumped off of Sinbad and sat in the middle of the table.

Sharrkan walked over to Zahara grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and lifted her up into the air.

"Who are you?" said Sharrkan while pointing his sword at Zahara.

"Sharrkan let her go!" yelled Sinbad as he got up from the floor.

Sharrkan moved his sword from Zahara and dropped her on the floor. Kiarav, and Ja'far ran towards Zahara.

"Zahara are you ok?!?" said Ja'far

"Yes I'm fine thank you Mr. Ja'far."said Zahara.

"Oh thank goodness." Kiarav whispered before standing up and slapping Zahara in the back of her head.



The both kept yelling at each other sending death threats to one another until Sinbad spoke up.

"Kairav would you like to explain why Zahara is here?" said Sinbad

"Well she kind of snuck onto the ship we where on and came to Sindria with us."

Zahara climbed onto the table walked towards Sinbad and looked him directly into to his eyes and said."Oh so you're the guy who tried to seduce Kairav right after you and my father made the deal?"

"..Um" said Sinbad


"Hey can someone please tell us what's going on?" said Yamuraiha along with the other Generals nodding in agreement.

"Ugh looks like my cover has been blown." said Kairav

*Kairav's POV*

"Ok so I am Kairav Lyconios 1nd Princess of the secret Xylon Kingdom and this is my younger sister Zahara Lyconios 2nd princess of Xylon. As you may know this, Sinbad and Ja'far had gone on a business trip to the Kou Empire. However on their way back to Sindria they happened to get stuck in a huge storm. Their boat was pushed off course from Sindria and ended up crashing into my country's shores. At first we had thought that they were a threat so we took them to my father, King August. Sinbad and Ja'far began to persuade my father and convinced him that they were not a threat, soon after they started to negotiate with him to join the seven seas alliance. My father had agreed and had thrown a festival dedicated to our new alliance with Sindria. Both Sinbad and Ja'far had ended up drunk, thus ending with Ja'far passed out on the floor. While I was walking into my room Sinbad had followed me and snuck up from behind me, and tried to undress me as well."

"But we didn't do anything r-right?" said Sinbad

"OF COURSE NOT AS IF I'D MESS AROUND WITH A WOMANIZER SUCH AS YOURSELF!" I yelled, earning a few laughs and snorts from Sharrkan and Ja'far.

"Oh sorry what I meant to say was, thankfully no because after you tried undressing me I pushed you away then you came up to me and threw me on my bed. You tried to get on top of me until my twin brother the next king of Xylon grabbed the collar of your robe and dragged you into your room while I dragged Ja'far into his room. The day after my father sent me to Sindria with you and had asked you and Ja'far to keep the whole Xylon Kingdom a secret. After we boarded on to the boat my sister Zahara had snuck on to it as well. When Sinbad, Ja'far, and I arrived and had the festival I realized that my wolf was missing I went looking for her in the forest and found her trying to attack Masrur. I had gotten her to leave him alone and I apologized to him. Until Alushia had found my sister and her wolf hiding in the bushes spying on us. I took my sister to my room and I already sent a letter to my father so that someone will bring Zahara back to our Kingdom. Any questions?"

"Why exactly is your kingdom supposed to be kept a secret?" said Hinahoho.

"Well the reason why we wanted to be kept a secret is because hundreds of years ago slave traders would come to our kingdom and kidnap our citizens. We doubled our security, however slave traders kept finding a way through all the guards."

"Kairav may we ask if there was a special reason to why slave traders would want to steal your citizens?" said Spartos with a very interested, and concern look on his face.

"Well slave traders want our citizens because of our race."

"And exactly what does it have to do with your race?" said Drakon.

"Well not many people know this because we went into to hiding over 100 years or so, but we are a special and forgotten race called." At that moment everyone grew silent anxious to hear her answer.

"Lupercos" said Kairav slowly

Hey guys so I have a quick question, should I do a chapter based off of Kairavs country and her race? Please leave a comment on yes or no if I should or if I shouldn't.



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