Chapter 7

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*Kairav's POV*

"M-Masrur!" I yelped while blushing.

I was cradled in his arms and looking directly into his red eyes for a good 30 seconds until I said.

"O-Oh um thank you Masrur for catching me."

He nodded and then put me on the ground gently.

"I-I guess we should get back to work, I mean we're are almost done so let's just get this all finish then." I said while scratching my arm and looking down at my feet.

"I suppose." He said and then walked away and continue to work on his task.

'Why is my heart beating so fast again' I thought. 'Do I really like Masrur?'

*Time Skip*

"All right great job you guys! Now that we are done you guys can go get ready for the dinner party since it starts in an hour." I said while heading back to my room.

As I entered my room I grabbed my outfit for the performance that Yamriaha, Pisti, Morgiana and I were planning on doing for the dinner. (Outfit is the top picture. The other dancers outfits look the same except instead of gray it's white and instead of red it can be a different color.)

"Is that all you're gonna wear to the party?" Said a very familiar voice as I was getting dressed, but I already knew who it was.

"Well of course I mean I am the performer so I thought I could just wear this outfit only for tonight, Is it a crime to wear just one outfit for tonight, Adana?" I said while turning around to face my future sister in law.

"No but I think it would be nicer if you wore this." She said while holding a beautiful long red dress.

"Where did you get this?" I said as I looked at the dress with an amazed expression.

"Well I bought this a while back and I completely forgot about it so, I tried it on to see if it still fits and well the answer is no, soooo I thought maybe you'd like to have it?"


"Yup!" She said as she put her hands on her hips and gave me a huge smile.

"Aww thanks!" I said while wrapping my arms around her waist and giving her a bone crushing hug.

"Don't m-mention it!" She managed to say since I was crushing almost every single bone in her body.

"Okay well get out so I can get dress."

"Ok I'll see you in a bit."

*Time Skip*

*No one's POV*

As the dinner party began, everyone had been having a good time laughing, drinking and eating together. However during then party everything went silent when Ja'far had announced that the performance was about to begin.

Everyone grew patient and quiet, as 4 girls walked on to the stage. (The outfits look the same as the picture).

Kairav who was the lead dancer was wearing an outfit that contains a dark grey and burgundy color, Yamriaha's outfit colors were white and turquoise, Morgiana's outfit colors were white and pink, while Pisti's outfit colors were white and yellow. Despite the colors of the outfits the girls all wore masks that matched the color of their outfits,but since Kairav's is the lead dancer she got a different mask that also had the same color of her outfit but unlike the other masks her's had wolf ears and a different symbol on is as well.(In the picture above) .As the four girls bowed there was cheering, whistling coming from the crowd.

"You look beautiful Morgiana!" Yelled Alibaba and Arcanos.

"Looking good Kairav! You should wear that outfit more often!" Yelled Sharrkan.

After those comments the music started to play and the dance began. (Video above)

*Time skip*

Before the dance ended the girls came down from the stage with a crown full of exotic flowers and carried them to the audience. The dancer had to give the flower crown to anyone in the crowd. Morgiana gave her crown to Alibaba, Yamriaha gave hers to Aladin, and Pisti gave hers to Spartos.

Kairav on the other hand didn't know who to give it to, so she looked around and saw Sharrkan and Masrur. She walked over to the both of them, and Sharrkan had been nudging Masrur's arm thinking that Kairav would give the crown to him. As Kairav stood in front of Sharrkan and Masrur, she bent closer to them and placed the crown on top of a surprised Masrur's head and ran back onto the stage with the others.

The dance came to the end, and all you could here from the audience was cheering and all the girls where completely exhausted but they were still happy to have been able to give everyone a great performance.

The dancers then went to go sit with everyone else and Kairav went to go change her outfit for something more suitable for the occasion. She then came back with her long red dress that was given to her by Adana. Kairav made her way to the table and sat in between Adana and Masrur.

"You did a great job." Said Masrur.

"Heh, you really think so?" Said Kairav while blushing and playing with her hair.

"Yea and by the way you look great tonight."

"Thanks Masrur."

"Don't mention it." As he said while looking away, but there was still a bit of blush on his cheeks.

Throughout the entire night everyone was still partying, laughing, and drinking. A drunk Yamriaha was fighting with a drunk Sharrkan. On the other hand Kairav, Arcanos, and Zahara were fighting over a piece of steak. Morgiana and Masrur had the same expression on their face as they ate fish, Sinbad, Alibaba, and Kougyoku were drunk.

Adana, Hakuyruu and Aladin were having a pleasant conversation. Ja'far ,Hinahoho and Drakon were discussing battle strategies with Kaynan since in the kingdom of Xylon he is the general of the army. Everything was perfect.

Soon after the party ended. Everyone went to their bedrooms, and slept for the night.

(((CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN)))             Her Fate (Masrur x OC)Where stories live. Discover now