Chapter 13

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Prim POV

"Well you little rat," glimmer spat.

"I want to join you guys," I said.

Glimmer laughed so much I think she actually choked.

"I'm serious!" I shouted.

"Aren't you mad at us for killing your little friend?" she asked.

"No, I wouldn't have left her if I cared about her," I said.

"You're to weak for us.." she said as she raised her bow.

I dogged out of the way and charged at her. I got her in a position that almost killed her, but then she pushed me off of her. She drew her bow and released. I screamed out in pain. It had hit my leg and I was bleeding everywhere. Glimmer laughed and left. She came back with the rest of the careers minutes after. They all started yelling things at me, like how I'm worthless and that nobody should had ever had faith in me. They walked away and I layed on the ground in pain bleeding out and dizzy. I saw the blackness at the corner of my eyes and I tried to fight it, but it soon consumed me.

Katniss POV

The television showed the guy from district 6 start a fire in the girl from district 7's cave on fire. She ran out as an ax was thrown at her. She missed it though and got away. They turned the camera to Prim who picked up the ax and continued walking. Did Prim through the ax! Just then the boy from district 6 hit Prim in the head and knocked her out. She woke up on fire and I panicked. Is this how she is going to die? Luckily she managed to put out the flame and ran. Next thing I knew she was tripping on air. But as I looked closer I realized that she tripped on Peeta, and now there is an ax in his back. They talked about the promise Peeta had made me. Then Prim got frustrated and tried to swing at Peeta! This is not the Prim I know and love. But Peeta fell to Prim's feet without a swing, I then realized that Glimmer had shot him. Prim talked to Glimmer for a while. Then she asked to join the careers! I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Glimmer of course said no and they started fighting. Prim almost had Glimmer but then she threw Prim off of her and shot her leg. Glimmer went and got the other careers just to laugh at her. Prim was dieing and I was balling my eyes out. She closed her eyes...I knew she was dead.

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