Chapter 6

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Katniss POV

I was watching the television for the chariot ride. I haven't seen Prim in over a week, so I was very exited to see her.

I wondered what dress she would be wearing...if it was a dress. Last year the people from are districts went naked with coal smeared all over them. I mean what other thing besides coal is there to district 12.

Then I saw Prim in the most beautiful dress ever. It was a dress of flames! It was already pretty to begin with, but then there were real flames coming off of the dress.

Then I noticed something a little odd. She was hugging Peeta like he was her big brother. Of course the Capitol went,"awwwww". I was jealous of Peeta, I wanted to be there hugging my sister.

Sorry totally just realized that I skipped her number for her talent. So I am going to go to that scene real quick.

Prim POV

It was my turn to go preform for the game makers. I really didn't know what to do.

I walked in and nobody was paying any attention to me. So I went a little crazy. I took some wood logs and string and made a little hut. Still nobody noticed me. So I stormed up to them took some of there food and made a medicine. They stared at me with such a harsh glare I couldn't bear it. I ran out and held my tears in.

When I got out I let myself cry as hard as I wanted too. Haymitch asked what I did and I told him everything. He said the best score I'll get will be a 6.

She ended up getting a 9. Ok now back to the interview, sorry.

Prim POV

It was now my turn for the interviews. I was quite nervous I wanted the Capitol to send me gifts in the arena. So I plastered on a fake smile and walked on stage when I heard my name called.

"So how about that dress of yours Prim," said Caesar Flickerman. "It is very neat," I replied. "Oh yes it is," he said,"Well it seems like Peeta is your new brother." I said, " Why he is like the big brother I never had."Just then the audience says another "awwww" sound. "Well don't get too greasy if you know what I mean." he said sarcastically. I then began to blush a real bright red. He seemed to notice and wrapped it up for me. I got off stage and listened to Peeta's interview.

After we took the elevator back up. Tomorrow was the games. Training had ended and I wasn't ready still. I didn't want to go it just wasn't fair.

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