Chapter 3

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(Katniss POV)

I woke up in Gales home. I was surprised I wasn't in the room were you say your last good byes. Gale nocked on the bedroom door and I told him to come in. He told me to get ready to go say goodbye to Prim. "I volunteered though," I said in shock. "Um you got half way through the word volunteer and then you fainted," Gale told me. "Can you give me a minute please?" I asked. "Sure Katnip," Gale told me.

I had no words at all. I swear I said it, at least that is what I remember but the rest was probably inside my head. I had to come up with a solution for this. Just what...."Katnip ready to go?" Gale asked "Ya," I responded.

By the time we arrived at the place I had thought my brains out. I had one plan but I know it won't work, but I will still try. My plan was to ask Peeta if he could protect Prim. I knew that he would protect her, but not risk his life for her.

I opened up the door and saw Prim sitting there daydreaming, I knew she soon would be daymareing(edit: idk what my 13 year old brain thought this word meant but i dunno what to replace it with so you gotta suffer like me). "Hey Prim," I said. "Hi Kat-" Prim started to say before she started crying. She ran up and gave me the most heart warming hug ever. I told her that I was going to ask Peeta to protect her but she must try to stay out of as much danger as she can because he isn't going to risk his own life. "Oh, and here is a pin of a mockingjay I got it from a person a mustn't name. "Ok," she said,"It will remind me of you." We said our final goodbyes and then I stepped out of the room. I knew that was the last time I'd see her I knew she wouldn't win the games.

I walked into Peeta's goodbye room to go ask the question. He stared at me with shock when I entered the room. "Hey I have a favor for you," I told him. "I know what you are going to ask and I will do it." Peeta said. Now I was the one in shock how did he already know about something I never told him. It seemed like Peeta read my mind because he then he said,"You were about to volunteer for her but you didn't so I assumed that you would ask me for help." "Oh," I said," Well good luck in the games." Then I walked out of the room.

If Prim was in the GamesWhere stories live. Discover now