Chapter 7

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Prim POV

Today was the day. I was so nervous. I had a talk with Haymitch the night before about not running to the middle.

Now I was going into the clear tube that takes you into the arena. When I got in the door closed right away. Then the tube started to go up. All the tension was building up inside of me. Then finally it reached the top.

The landscape was a forest but there where no trees around the Cornicopia. I was deciding what to do first while the clock counted down. I decided to go for the back backs in front then  meet up with Rue somewhere near the Cornicopia.

The last second ticked and we were off. I ran to the middle graved a backpack and an axe. When I got the axe the girl tribute from district 4 ran up to me with a knife. I swung my axe at her and ran. While I was running to the forest a knife was thrown at me and it sliced a little of my shoulder. Once I got to the forest I walked the perimeter of the Cornicopia to find Rue.

I found Rue sitting on a rock with some berries. We decided to find more food and get as far away from the Cornicopia as we could.

Since I had the weapon I had to lead. We walked for what seemed like for ever and found a lake. Here I decided we would sleep in a tree around the lake for a night. I opened my backpack to find a sleeping bag, some rope, a lantern, and a canteen. I filled the canteen with water and told Rue to meet me back at the lake by dark because I was going hunting and she was going to find a good place for us to sleep.

By dark I had found one rabbit for us to share but we had to cook it so Rue made a fire far away from the lake. We cooked the rabbit and blew out he fire. As we were walking away we heard voices. Rue and I leapt into a bush so we wouldn't be seen.

Then we saw the careers. "Look what we have here," said Cato. "There is still some light left so they must be close by," said Glimmer. "Lets look for them" exclaimed Marvel. They all agreed and started walking to the right of us. Once we couldn't see them anymore Rue and I ran for our lives back to the lake.

We set up our place in the trees and waited for the tributes who died today to show up in the sky. Both of district 3 died, both of district 4 died, boy from distinct 5 died, girl from district 6 died, boy from district 7 died, both of district 8 died, both of district 9 died, and both of district 10 died.

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