Roman: No  way I'm letting this happen. I need to find Seth!

JBL: Christie Sky is here! She's here for punk! What is she doing on the apron trying to distract Dean Ambrose!!? She can't do that.

Michael Cole: Uh-Oh! Rollins & Reigns are back out here

Seth: what are you doing?! Get off the matt!

"No. Leave me alone!"

Dean: Get her out of here!!

I picked up Christie off the matt and held onto her hands while Seth stood beside me

"You are leaving now!"

She yelled back. "No!"

She ran out of my grip to the other side of the ring. Dean threw punk out the ring and just as he was about to attack Christie stepped in the way


We walked to christie as she backed up when suddenly..

JBL: Kicked to the side of the head by punk. He needs to get ambrose back in the ring.

MC: He's going for the anaconda vice!!.. And Seth rollins causes a distraction.

Ref: You know what, you two... OUT OF HERE

Seth: What! are you kidding?!!

We all argued with the ref till seth and I had no choice but to leave.

No P.O.V

JBL: Dean is back to that arm bar he is killing punk right now!

Christie cheered on punk. "C'mon punk fight through it you can do it!"

He reached the ropes and Dean went crazy. He stepped out side the ring and got right in Christie's face.

Dean: What are you doing!! What is wrong with you; do you have any idea what this will do!

Before she could answer dean rolled back in the ring to be met by a kick to the side of the head. He spun ambrose around then;

MC: GTS!! He hit it!



Jbl: CM punk picks up the win, thanks to the distraction by Christie sky! She had no business out here

Christie slides in the ring and celebrates with Punk, he picks her up and hugs her, she raises his hand in victory until he pulls her in and places a soft kiss on her lips. The crowd goes wild and punk smirks leaving the ring

Roman P.O.V

Roman: Ugh Christie look what you just did! What was all that out there"

Christie: I had to!

Seth: Dean is gonna go crazy!

" I told you not to distract him."

"it was for the storyline...and I could see he was hurt dean was targeting his ribs and killing him with that arm bar."

"It doesn't matter. Why do you care anyways?!"

"its nothing I need to check up on him."

I was very upset. "What! Why?! He can deal with this himself. Your gonna just walk away from me! No let's go we're going to my locker room"

Christie: Let me go! stop it!

We finally reached the locker room

"Roman what was that for this is not real. its nothing serious. "

Roman: you are really gonna do this again! You're choosing punk over me, your BOYFRIEND! I knew this storyline would cause problems!!

"It's not! you are the one that couldn't handle it. You are being unprofessional."

"Says the one kissing a coworker which you are NOT in a relationship with!"

"I admit to that but I realized my mistake. That kiss just now was for the story. I didn't know he would do that!"

"How can you really expect me to sit back every week and watch MY girlfriend kiss that jerk! Its not right and not fair to me. I need to go tell the authority about our relationship now and ask them to stop it."

Christie: NO! Listen I don't like what this is causing but it is giving me the fame and attention. I'm just trying to reach my dream. I do love you but I want to reach my dream too. It seems as if I can't have both

".. I tried my best not to believe that but.... I guess not. So which is it going to be...?"

"Excuse me?..."

"Your definite love or your possible dream..?"

"Please don't do this to me again Roman"

"your showing that you can't have both"

Christie P.O.V

I went from sad, to enraged with anger. "Are you kidding me?! You know what; I don't care what you say. I'm not gonna do that. I am NOT choosing. I'm leaving."

Roman: Where you going?!

"Away from here! it's as if you don't care about me, only yourself! Your so inconsiderate and full of yourself! I don't even matter to you. Just leave me alone and stay away from me" *Runs off*

Roman stood there in shock with a blank expression...

"I can't believe she said that to me!..."

is this the end for Christie & Roman??

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