Untitled Part 41

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"I've had it with you staying late (Y/N). You won't be going out with Dally for a while." Shawn informed your 16 year old daughter. He expected you to stay home all the time. It was only 10pm anyway, what was the big deal? you knew your way around the neighborhood. Plus, if anything were to happen you had Dally.

"What, no, Darry, you can't be serious!" You argued.

"Oh, yes I am," Darry began to walk away from you. "You can take my word for it." He says over his shoulder.

"You can't possibly be serious. I wasn't even out for very long!" You followed his trail. In the corner of your eye, you caught Ponyboy and Sodapop sitting on the couch watching tv until you walked in. You didn't pay much attention to the lights flashing across the television. You were too motivated to convince Darry out of his insanity.

"10 o'clock at night is way past your curfew."

"Ohh, so now I suddenly have a curfew?" You retorted with a little more sass than intended.

"Watch your tone with me little gall," Darry gave you a glare. You rolled your eyes and let out a puff of breath.

"What's the big deal anyway? I'm home ain't I?" At this point, Ponyboy and Sodapop gave each other glances and moved uncomfortably.

Darry turned around.

"Who would've known what could've happened to you out there with Dally?"

"Golly! What's your problem with Dally?" You raised your voice at him, something you rarely did. It was probably the same reason Sodapop shook his head as if to discourage your behavior. You shrugged him off.

"He's not right for you! Dally is a criminal. He likes breaking the rules, committing crimes. I can't let you be near that at all!" Darry emphasized.

"But that's where you're wrong Darry!" You challenged, crossing your arms to express your annoyance. "I like Dally and that's all that should matter." By the look on Darry's face, he wasn't buying anything you were saying.

"I've known Dally for a while now (Y/N). He's got heat with the police for cryin' out loud. You need to listen to me." Darry advised like you were some kid. Maybe to him; he was approximately 14 years older than you, but still. You were done being treated like a baby.

"I ain't a little kid no more Dally! Golly, you treat Ponyboy more different than you do me." You spat, glancing over at Ponyboy who only kept his head down.

"Ponyboy is older than yo--"

"By a month Darry, by a god dang month!" You protested, throwing your hands forward for crying out loud.

"Even Soda knows it."

You looked to Sodapop for support. You shared a closer bond with him out of the three boys. You could always depend on him to have your back. You expected him to side with you and tell Darry how wrong he was to treat you unfairly, but all he did was look away slightly before giving you an apologetic look. I guess you can't expect much from anyone nowadays.

"Don't try to drag the boys into your problems (Y/N)," Darry said harshly. He continued to say, "You will abide my rules for as long as you're in this house." This time he pointed his finger at the ground.

You only stood still, staring at him after that; you couldn't manage to look at Soda.

So now wanting to be with the person you adored with all your heart was a problem?

You felt tears making their way into your eyes. You blinked it away. You didn't want to look weak in front of them; mostly Darry. You tried to embrace yourself. You were done with him, all of them.

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