Midnight Love - Part 1

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Shawn sat beside me on his bed. I pressed the play button on Netflix and the movie began. It actually wasn't all that scary, but it was, in fact, getting quite boring. I felt my heart beating faster when the scene, where the girl follows the noise down the basement. Shawn noticed how tense I became and he wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes and cuddled into him. I heard screaming and I was getting even more frightened by the second.

"This is boring." I spoke out.

Shawn looked down at me, smirking.

"Is that why you have goosebumps all over your arms? Is that why you always get Jumpy from time to time? because you're -he smirks at me- bored?" His mouth is still in its curved line.

I roll my eyes before facing the lit television. I try to shrug all the uproarious sounds and shut my eyes just before a murder occurs. I don't know why we're even watching a scary movie..I hated them. Mostly one's that were based on a true story. Chills. Although throughout the movie, nothing was really happening. I looked up to see a mesmerized Shawn. He was so cute. Too bad I have to cut it. I was bored and wanted a little excitement.

I casually place my hand upon Shawn's member. He was wearing shorts that made it very visible. I definitely wasn't complaining. I turned to the tv, as if nothing was happening. I could see Shawn glancing at me while I casually ran my hand up and down his member. I smirked noticing him throw his head back.

"Ell-la, not now, f-fu.." He let out a moan. I only stayed quiet and continued what I was doing. The curve stayed placed on my mouth.

"Shawn can you try not to be so loud?" I turned to him, "I'm trying to watch a movie and your mom is still here."

As if on cue, the door suddenly opened. Light shown through the big crack of the door. My hand was still on Shawn's member. In attempt to hide it I rose the covers up higher. Shawn turned to his mom so quick.

"H-hey mom." He flashed her a forced smile. I greeted her with a wave.

"Are you kids all right?" She asked after giving her familiar warm smile. "Shawn you look like a tomato."

"Mom! You know I don't like tomatoes." Shawn used that as in excuses to let out a groan. I shook my head and chuckled.

"To answer your question, I'm okay Mrs. Mendes..not so sure about Shawn." I giggled, glancing at her son.

She sighed.

"Boys." We said in unison and began to laugh together. Shawn just sat flustered and annoyed. I couldn't help but add a small chuckle.

"Well I'll let you kids me. Ella make sure to stay close to this one." If only she knew. Finally, Karen shut the door and we were alone again.

Shawn let out a sigh of relief,

"That was super close."

Shawn Mendes ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum