Midnight Love - Part 2

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"What was close Shawn?" I looked up at him innocently.

"Don't act clueless, you know what you were doing," Shawn speaks, "You almost got us caught."

"Well Shawn, you reacted on your own. Don't bring me in." I smirked, feeling impressed with the effects I had on Shawn. He noticed and I saw his mouth pull into a curve.

"Like you aren't reacting to this." He mocked, but I had no idea what he meant.

"What do you me--Ohh, Shaw-wn."

His fingers were in my panties, just cupping me at first and kneading a little, teasingly. His middle finger slipped into my slit and began to stroke gently along its length, not with any particular pressure yet, just touching, exploring, brushing the pads of his fingers against my lips. My hips rose to meet him in automatic response .

"Sh-shawn, p-please." You whined.

Shawn eased his fingers a little before he started up again. Shawn's finger slowly eased in then pulled back working me open enough for him to add a second. I whimpered. I was panting softly and trying not to make much noise. Shawn's fingers kept the same pace.

"You like that?" Shawn asked with a low growl.

"Mmhmm." I leaned my hips forward, into his fingers, curving my head to the side and kissing him, "Shawn, please."

"Please what? C'mon baby, you were using you words just a while ago."

I threw my head back as Shawn quickened his pace. There was pressure that felt like I was going to break in half, I could feel the pressure leading to a wave of pleasure that would gradually roll through my body. I braced my self for my release, feeling totally ready with the help of Shawn's hands, until he suddenly removed them. My somehow closed eyes shot open. I whimpered, once again, at the loss of contact. I looked to glare at Shawn, waiting for an explanation only for to see the same smirk plastered on his face. I scowled at him.

"What was that all about Shawn?" I was sure Shawn could sense the frustration in my voice.

"That's what you get for the act you pulled," Shawn continues to stare down at you, "And for not answering me when I ask you a question."

Shawn's behavior was turning me on. Usually he was never like this. I was too distracted with the ache down there to even question him some more. Well if Shawn wasn't going to finish off the job, surely I could do it myself.

My fingers made its way into my panties. I slid them between my lips and made a slow v around my clit. I small moan slipped from my lips. I slid my fingers back and forward over my clit and the sensitive lips. Suddenly I felt a strong hand slap my fingers away which forced my eyes to open.

I made eye contact with a very frustrated but flustered Shawn. I noticed the blistering intensity in his eyes. Lust was visible in his eyes.

"Don't you dare ever touch yourself without my permission ever again." Shawn growled deeply. It only drenched your panties some more.

"What are you gonna do about it...daddy?" You spoke slowly, making sure to stress the last word.

Shawn looked away dramatically. You snickered. He got up and dragged me behind him. We went out of his bedroom and through the living room.

"Mom! Ella and I are going to hang out, we'll be back soon." He called to Karen that I suppose was in the kitchen. Not that I was concerned. I was most concerned about the awful things Shawn was going to do to me. I followed him out the main door, with a shut behind me.

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