Chapter 18

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Zane's P.O.V

(This is the part where Zane was just knocked out and Caleb and Ava are driving to the cabin)

Everything's black, again, but I can feel my body being picked up and everything, and being put into a trunk.

Some people might think, why did I ever date this psychopath? Well that answer is easy, he wasn't always like this, he used to be sweet and loving, I remember the first time Justin and I met.


Three years ago, freshman year of Jameson high.

I'm walking through the hallways, looking at all the lockers and class rooms.

"Wow! This is huge compared to my elementary school!" I say to myself, I look at my time table, seeing my classes and my locker, locker 668! Dang I wanted locker 666! Well at least it's next to mine.

I walk around and find my locker eventually, I put a lock on it and keep walking around, I sigh quietly as I look around at all of the groups of friends and stuff, I go to a bench and look at the ground, releasing I know no one, have no friends here, no nothing, I'm the loser, the outcast, a nobody.

I sit there for a solid ten minutes starring at the ground, thinking to myself.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Some fur asks me, I look up to see a lion, no muscles or anything, just looks normal and thin, like me.

"Oh nothing" I tell the lion.

"Oh cmon, there has to be something wrong, you look all sad!" He say and goes and sits beside me.

"Well I'm all here alone at this school, I know no one here" I tell the lion.

"Well I'm Justin, now you know one fur here!" He says to me and smiles, I look at him and smile back.

"Well hi Justin, I'm Zane" I say to him.


I'm run into the boys washroom, running for away from a fur I had a crush on, he follows me into the washroom.

"C'mere faggot." A grey wolf says to me as I back up against the wall.

"P-please d-don't hurt me!" I yell out.

" p-please d-don't hurt me!" He says mocking me "you're a faggot that tried asking me out, I have no choice now" he smirks as he gets closer to me, clenching his fist and easing his arm getting ready to punch me.

I flinch and I feel a sharp pain on my left cheek, I hear another punch but feel no pain, I slowly open my eyes to see a muscular lion beating up the wolf.

"Don't you ever touch Zane ever again or else your next beating won't end well!" Justin yells at the wolf.

He smiles as he sees the wolf run, he turns to see me.

"Is your cheek okay Zane?" He asks me as he comes closer to me and rubs my left cheek softly.

"Yeah... It is" I smile lightly at Justin and I hug him.

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