Chapter 3

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Caleb's P.O.V

Almost the whole day has gone by, we went to all of our classes and at lunch we all sat at a table, we all talked but Ava and I did most of the talking, I noticed that Zane is pretty quite, he's always in that little world of his, some times I'll notice that he's starring in my direction but it's probably nothing, sometimes when I notice though he's smiling or blushing.

It's the fourth and last period of the day and everyone's favourite subject! Phys Ed or gym or whatever you want to call it, I'm surprised Zane's in it though, but oh well.

All of the guys go into the change room with their gym clothes, I go in and change just like everyone else, but then I notice Zane in a corner changing slowly, I stare for a bit and my eyes go down to his butt, 'damn he has a nice ass' I think to myself, I notice I've been staring for to long, I start to walk out to the gym and sit on a bench like everyone else and then I notice Zane comes out and I can't help but watch his butt as he walks over to me and sits next to me.

I look over at him and he looks at me "I didn't expect you to take phys Ed Zane" I say to him.

"Well my mom wanted me to take it so I can stay fit, I guess she just wants me to be as healthy as I can be" he replies to me and shrugs his shoulders

When everyone gets to the gym the teacher starts to talk and I notice the girls are here too, which means one thing the teacher is either lazy two do his introduction to two classes or two for the first class it's going to be a boys verses girls game or three both.

I look over at the teacher and see he's the same one from last year Mr. Brewer, he's a regular looking fox except with big muscles.

I start to listen in to what he's saying "all right class! Today we're going to play everyone's favourite game! Dodgeball!" He says, "boys against girls!" he adds in.

So it was three he was to lazy to teach two classes and it's a boys against girls game, I smile because I'm pretty good at dodgeball! "God damn it!" I whisper yell, Zane looks at me, "you don't like dodgeball?" He asks.

"I do it's just, Ava is playing this too" I say, "so? what's so bad about that?" He asks.

I sigh "when she plays she always has to get her friends out first and too top it off she has really good aim" I tell Zane.

"Well I'm kind of good at dodgeball, but I love it" Zane says, "I'm good at dodgeball it's just don't ever take your eye off of Ava or she'll get you" I say to Zane and he nods.

We all get up and the boys go to one side and the girls go to the other side, the teacher puts eight rubber balls on the middle line.

"Alright class one paw touching the back off the wall for both sides!" We all put a paw on the back of the wall and he looks to see if everyone has one paw on the back wall and he starts to count down "3! 2! 1! Go!" Some of us run to get a ball and I get a ball in my paws when someone grabs the ball I have and I see its none other than Ava, she looks at me and smirks and then I use all my force to pull it out of her paws but she seen that coming and as soon as I went to pull she let go and I sent myself flying backwards.

I stand up and I throw the ball at her and to my luck I get her out


Well the boys won but it was really close because Ava got back in and got Zane out, poor pup, but it came down to Ava and i and we were tossing as many of the balls we could find on our sides at each other but I got lucky and I threw one as she threw one and mine hit her first, then hers hit me a second after, but the boys won.

We all went into the change room and I changed and when I went over to talk to Zane I seen that he was talking to a regular husky who's pretty muscular and it's none other than axel, I noticed that they finished changing and they were talking and laughing and Zane seemed shy but he was talking to him more than he ever has talked to me!

I can't help but feel angry, but I don't know why, I mean I like Zane but I don't know if I like him in that way I've never really thought if I was gay or bi or straight, heck I've never even had a girlfriend or boyfriend, but I just feel angry when I see them just talking and laughing and then I see axel put his arm around him and that was it I walk out of the change room, angry from what I saw.

I walk over to where my locker is and I put in my locker combo and take the lock off and open it and get my bag and other stuff and then I close it and lock it and I see Zane their "hey Caleb!" He says to me

"Hey Zane" I say back to him, "congrats on winning the game for us" he says.

"Yeah it was nothing" I reply to him and he opens his locker and grabs his stuff and closes it and locks it.

We both walk out of the school and we both turn the same path for every single turn "so do you live down here?" I ask him.

"Yeah I do, do you?" He asks me, "yeah I do too" I answer him and he smiles and nods.

"So would you want to come over to my house later tonight to hang out?" Zane asks me.

I think about it "sure I'll come over when I can" I tell him and he nods and smiles at me, God he's so cute.

Wait? Did I just think that? Huh I guess I did.

Hey guys! I really hope you like how the book is going so far! Well goodbye see you guys soon!

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