Chapter 24

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Zane's P.O.V

I slowly break the kiss, when I do I look into Caleb's eyes and smile.

"God I love you Caleb" I tell him.

He smiles at me, and rubs my body, I giggle and lay on top of him, he rubs my back and I nuzzle into him.

"So when can we go to everyone so you can give me my present?" I ask Caleb.

"In a bit Hun, let's just enjoy sometime together, Kay?" He asks me and I nod.

We both go and lay down on my bed, he goes and cuddles me, I smile and slide my paw down his pants feeling his package, he laughs a bit and let's me.

"Don't get to carried away now, Hun" he says as he smiles at me.

"Okay, okay I won't, I guess I'll just feel for now" I tell him and he nods.

I go and kiss his cheek and he smiles, he goes and kisses mine back, I blush faintly, and smile goofily.

"Oh you're so cute, babe," Caleb says to me and I blush more and giggle.

"Why thank you, my love." I tell Caleb and I snuggle up to him.

"So, Hun, can we go so you can give me my present?" I ask him, excited to get my present.

"Ugh, you know what, fine." He says to me and I smile and jump up off my bed.

I go and get dressed, Caleb goes to the front door and patently waits for me, after I finish I walk down to him and he smiles at me, I go and smile back at him, he goes and pulls me into a kiss before we head out, I blush and kiss back passionately.

He breaks the kiss after a bit and smiles at me. I smile back, he goes and opens the door and I walk out and he follows behind me.

"So we're going to your house?" I ask him curiously.

"Yes Zane, we are going to my house, I've already messaged everyone to be there, so my parents, my siblings, your mom, and Ava." He says to me with a smile on his face.

"How is it so important that you need me to open it in front of all of them?" I ask him curiously.

"You'll see when you open it Zane," he smiles and laughs a bit, I grunt and continue walking to his house with him.

We soon get to his house and I open the door, as soon as I walk in I see his family and my mom and Ava talking amongst each other.

"We're here!" Caleb says to everyone in the house.

Everyone looks at us and thy come over and start to talk to us, Ava comes up to me and pulls me aside.

"Zane, do you know what Caleb got you yet?" She asks me curiously.

"No, I don't, why, do you know what he got me?" I ask her curiously.

"Yeah, I do!" She smile and laughs.

"Well tell me what he got me!" I plead her.

"Hahaha! Nope!" She says to me as she laughs more.

"Can you give me a hint! Please!" I plead her more and more.

"I'll just tell you this, you're going to love your gift from him and you'll never, ever be able to top it!" She laughs and walks away and goes and talks to everyone else.

Ugh what does she mean by I won't ever be able to top it?! I silently growl to myself.

I go up to Caleb "when are you going to give me my gift Hun?" I ask him curiously.

He sighs and says to me "just be more patient, Hun." He goes and gives me a quick peck on the lips and smiles at me.

I sigh and sit on the couch and wait for him to give me my gift which I've been waiting for, for a while!

How is it so big to the point where I need to wait this long! I have him his gift already! I want mine now! Ugh! I think to myself, growling a bit, being annoyed that he won't give me my gift yet.

After a few minutes I see Caleb leave the room then come back with a... Wait? Is that a ukulele? Since when did he play that!

I see him smile at me then walks over to me and stands me up, he kisses me then backs up, I see our parents pull out their phones and start to record, caleb goes and starts to play a song and sing as he plays as well.

I stand there, after he finishes playing the song, I smile and start to tear up a bit, he puts his ukulele down and pulls out a box from him pocket and goes on one knee.

"Zane, will you marry me and do the honour of being with me for the rest of our lives?" He asks me while opening the box to show a ring, I put my paw over my mouth and start to tear up more.

"Yes Caleb! A billion times yes!" I tell him. He stands up and hugs me, he breaks the hug and slides the engagement ring on my ring finger, he pulls out another ring and slides it on his, he looks at me and pulls me into a kiss, I wrap my arms around his neck and we hear a Awww from everyone, we break the kiss and blush a shade of red.

I hold Caleb and sigh happily, he wraps his arms around my back.

God this feels so weird almost like a dream. I think to myself, I pinch my arm to make sure it's not, I thankfully feel the pain and don't wake up from anything!

Thank god! It's not a dream! I look up at Caleb and he looks down at me and smiles, I smile back, I back up a bit and he kisses me again, the kiss doesn't last long but it's full of love.

"Zane, happy Valentine's Day, I love you." Caleb says to me, I smile.

"I love you too, Caleb, happy Valentine's Day." I reply to him, having a such a intense feeling of joy where my heart is.

And then, I wake up... Just kidding! I'd never do that to y'all! Well maybe once or twice, but not a lot and for sure, not for this chapter at all, so Zane and Caleb are engaged! Wooo! Hope you guys and gals if girls read this that is, enjoyed this cutesy chapter! Also you guys should like talk to me on kik if you guys have it kik username: NoahTheGayHusky_ remember the underscore! I messed up on a account and it doesn't have a underscore so I can reply on that! So remember the underscore _!

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