Chapter 16

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Zane's P.O.V

I wake up slowly, I feel a sharp pain where my left eye is, I look around and everything is dark, I feel a few bumps, I go to open my mouth and I feel tape around my mouth.

'Oh right...' I move a hand and I feel tape around my wrists and ankles, I sigh through my nose knowing what's happening.

I'm being kidnapped... By my ex fucking boyfriend, I sigh and growl a bit.

Around a hour I think has passed and the car stops, I hear a car door open and close, a few seconds later the trunk opens and I see its night out.

"Wakey wakey Zaney" the lion says to me while smirking.

I glare at him, he laughs and picks me up bridal style and carries me to what looks like a cabin in the middle of nowhere! Fuck where are we?!

He opens the door and brings me in and sits me on a couch, he takes the tape off of my mouth slowly.

"Justin you crazy fuck!" I yell at him, he looks at me in the eyes and smiles.

"What Zane? What's wrong? Why are you calling me a crazy fuck?" Justin asks me.

"Because you fucking kidnapped me!" I yell louder.

"Zane shut up, you moved away from me without saying goodbye" he says to me.

"That's because you're a asshole that put me in the hospital four times! And then you claimed it was 'accidental' " I say to Justin.

"They were accidents! And if you don't stop this one won't be accidental" he growls at me.

"They weren't accidents! You pinned me up against a wall and punched my stomach repetitively!" I shout at him.

He goes and leaves the room mumbling to himself, God he's a psychopath.

I start to wiggle, trying to loosen the tape around my wrists, it does nothing and then I realize I can bit through it, I start to and i get the tape off, I smile and i go to my ankles, I start taking the tape off, it takes a bit but I get it off.

I get up and I get ready to open the door and start to run like hell or just find the keys and drive away, I get up and as soon as I get up i feel pain at the back of my head and I fall to the floor and everything goes black again.

Caleb's P.O.V

I finally get to go to Zane's house, I know it took longer than expected but he'll still be happy to have me over, stupid homework.

I walk over to Zane's house, it takes me around a minute and a half to get there, it's not hat for from mine, when I get there I knock on the door, I wait there for a eould five minutes before I knock again, again no answer, maybe Zane's on the toilet and his moms out, but I seen his moms car there, maybe there asleep?

I go and open the door to see its unlocked, now I'm worried! I walk in slowly and I hear someone moving under the stairs, I go and open the door to under the stairs to see Zane's mom tired up with tape around her mouth! I go and take the tape off.

"Caleb! Thank god! Is Zane at your house?!" She asks me worried.

"No, why? And what happened to you?" I ask her.

"Zane's ex... Justin came here looking for Zane, he knocked me out and tied me up and put me in here! He was looking for Zane!" She tells me.

"If Zane's not at my house or here, does that mean he got him?!" I ask her.

"Yeah, probably, oh god my pup was kidnapped!" She says to herself.

"Don't worry, I'll find Zane but I need to know what his ex looks like and what car did he have?" I ask her trying to stay calm.

"Uh oh God, he's a muscular lion that hits hard, he wears clothes that would make him look like a good fur and I think he was driving a white Toyota" she tells me.

"Okay, I do you think he's smart enough to take Zane's phone?" I ask her.

"Yeah, he is but I don't think he's smart enough to turn it off, are you going to call it?" She asks me.

"No I'm not, that's dumb, Zane showed me a way to find where my phone is when it's lost, maybe I can do the same with his phone and find him" I tell her.

"Okay, I'll call the police so if you can't find him they will, but first can you please untie me Caleb?" She asks me and I nod.

I go over to her and I untie her, she gets up and gets her phone and she calls the police, while she does that I leave and I run back to my house and I get the car keys, I go and text Ava so she can help me.

Me: Ava get ready to beat the living fucking shit out of someone.

Ava: why? I mean I like hurting furs, but why do you want me to use my powers of evil to beat someone up?

Me: Zane's ex kidnapped him, we're going to find him, bring your sock full of coins.

Ava: that fucker, will do boss.

I put my phone into sleep mode and I go and pick up Ava, she gets in.

"So what does this fucker look like?" She asks me.

"Umm he's a lion and he's pretty muscular, according to Zane's mom" I tell her.

"Okay, good thing I brought my sock like you told me!" She says laughing a bit evilly.

I go on my phone and I put Zane's phone info on and it shows me his exact location, I put it into the cats GPS and I start to drive, now as long as Zane's phone doesn't die or get shut off I can find him.

Hey people of the Internet, I have brought you a new chapter, enjoy. Oh and sorry for not updating, I've been playing a lot of gta 5 on my ps4 like a nerd, and like yeah, but if any of you guys have a ps4 with ps plus and gta 5  dm me and we can play gta 5 together! :3 and help each other get the money's! $$$$$$ welp, bye for now people's/ furries/ Fluffies

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