Chapter 4

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Zane's P.O.V

I walk into my house and I'm greeted by my mother "hey honey, how was school? Do you make any friends?"

I set my bag down by the door "school was good and yes I made friends" I reply to her.

"That's awesome honey!" She says to me, "mhm in fact ones coming over, if that's fine with you mom" I say to her.

"Yeah it's fine sweetie" she replies to me, "thanks mom" I say to her.

"You're welcome sweetie" she says and I go up stairs to my room and sit down on my bed and as soon as I sit down I get a text message "hmm who's that?" I say to myself.

I grab my phone and I unlock it and read the text

Unknown number: hey, its axel.

Me: hi axel, how'd you get my number?

Axel: when you left your phone unlocked when you were changing, I went on your phone and got your number from there.

Me: oh, so what are you doing?

Axel: just laying in my bed, you?

Me: just laying on my bed waiting for a friend to come over.

Axel: what friend?

Me: caleb.

Axel: oh okay, well I'll leave you alone so I'm not bothering you when he comes over.

Me: okay, bye axel!

Well now I guess I should wait for Caleb to come over, God he's so hot though I just hope i don't mess anything up, but maybe things could go my way for once, maybe we'd look into each others eyes and lean into a kiss.

Oh I'm kidding myself, he's most likely straight, I don't know why I have to crush on him.

Ding dong, "oh that must be him" I say to myself.

I open my bedroom door and walk out and go down stairs, I see my mom walking over to the door "I got it mom" I say to her, "okay Zane" she replies to me and goes back to the couch and sits on it.

I walk over to the front door and I see Caleb standing there "hey! Come on in!" I say moving out of the way for him.

He walks in and I see him looking around the house and he walks forward more and my mom sees him "you must be zane's friend! Hello!" She says to Caleb.

"Hey ms..." Caleb starts to say, but then I remember he doesn't know my last name.

"Oh, just call me Jasmine!" She says to Caleb.

"Oh okay, well hello Jasmine! I'm Caleb" he says to my mom.

"It's nice to meet you Caleb" she says to him.

"It's nice to meet you too" he replies to her, "well I'll leave you two boys to do what ever you guys do" she says.

"Okay, Caleb follow me" I say to him and he nods, I lead him up into my room and we sit on my bed.

"So Caleb, what would you like to do?" I ask him.

"Well I'm up for anything" he says.

"Okay, I guess we can talk for now and then we can think of something to do" I say to him and he nods.

"Sooo, how long have you known Ava?" I ask him.

He scoots back so he can rest against the wall "since kindergarten" he answers me.

"Wow that's a long time" I say to him.

"Yeah, so why'd you move here?" He asks me.

"Reasons and my mom got a job opportunity" I answer him.

"What about your dad doesn't he work?" He asks me, I look away and pull up my knees.

"H-he passed away" I say sadly.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't know" he says to me and he comes over to me and rubs my back.

"I-it's okay Caleb" I say to him, sniffling.

"Let's just talk about something else" he says to me, putting his arm around me and I can't help but get a faint blush.

Him and I start to talk and we talk for a long time and in the same position, in the last few minutes I got up and stretched while still talking and my mom walked in asking if Caleb was staying over for dinner and he said he was going to ask his parents if it was fine, thank god I got up and stretched, I didn't want my mom to get any ideas.

Caleb was on the phone talking to his parents out side of my room, so I just laid on my bed waiting for him to come back in.

He opened the door "my mom said it's fine" he says to me.

"Okay cool! Just go tell my mom that" i tell him.

"Okay will do!" He replies to me and I smile.

He shuts my door and I lay there on my bed thinking to myself of what it could be like if Caleb and I were together, I close my eyes thinking to myself.

All of the sudden I feel someone go on my bed and put a arm around me, I open my eyes and see its Caleb.

"C-Caleb? What are you doing?" I ask him blushing a bit.

He jumps a bit "o-oh! You're awake! I thought you were asleep! I- i was going to wake you up by tickling you! ... Tickling! Yes!" He says to me and I sit up and so does he.

A few minutes later my mom calls us down for dinner and I start to think to myself, was Caleb going to tickle me to wake me up or was he going to cuddle me? Wait... Is he gay or bi? Nah he's probably not.

Hey guys thanks for over 70 reads! And thanks for all of the votes and comments I really appreciate that! And with the comments I can tell you all are enjoying the book! So bye guys see you next time!

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