Chapter 21

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Zane's P.O.V

(Made a book for updates, check it out on my profile)

I rub Caleb's fur as we drive to the hospital, I sigh and look at him.

"The next time you plan to save me make a better plan where you don't get shot, Kay Caleb?" I tell him.

"Well one, let's make sure you don't need to be saved again and two okay, I'll be smarter next time babe" he says to me and smiles.

I rub his fur, snuggling up to him in the back of the car, he pets my back and I smile.

"He didn't you know, umm rape you, did he?" Caleb asks me.

"No, you two stopped that" i tell Caleb and I see him smile.

"Good, I'm glad I did" he says to me, I smile and kiss him.

He kisses back and it keeps going on, eventually he's laying down and I'm on top of him, I put my paws on his shoulders, when I do he breaks the kiss and yells in pain.

"Fuck! Owowow!" He yells and sits up from the pain.

"Sorry Caleb! I forgot that the wound was there!" I tell him hoping he'll forgive me.

"It's okay, it's okay Zane, in fine now" he says to me in a calm voice.

"Okay good, Ava, how close are we to the hospital?" I look over and ask Ava.

"Oh umm around four more minutes" she tells Caleb and I.

"Good heh I could go for some treatment for my wounds" Caleb tells her.

"Well no duh you idiot! You were shot! From him shooting your ear make you lose brain cells?!" She exclaims.

"Oh yeah well! Uh! Shut up! Yeah take that" Caleb says to her and I snicker.

He rolls his eyes and lays back, we continue driving to the hospital


We soon got to the hospital, they took Caleb I to- well I don't know where, God I can't just think that it's all my fault that he got shot, if I didn't date that crazy basterd Justin none of this would have happened! God damnit it is all my fault!

I clench my paws and close my eyes, feeling the tears form, I sigh and I feel a paw go on my shoulder.

"Zane it'll be okay, yours and Caleb's parents will be here soon, I called them" Ava tells me, I take a deep breath and open my eyes, I look at her.

"Okay, I just can't help but feel like him getting shot was all my fault" I tell her, I look down and feel the tears forming again.

She goes and hugs me "trust me Zane, it wasn't your fault, not one but, buddy" she tells me, I smile a bit and hug back.

I stand up and look at her "I'm going to wait for mine and Caleb's parents to arrive" I tell her, she looks back and nods.

I sigh as I walk off to the front entrance, I look outside to see its raining, 'yeah, would seem typical, it's like I'm in a book or movie or something' I say to myself.

I wait patiently for my mom and Caleb's parents to come, I sit down on the floor in the corner, furs stare at me when they come in and out, they give me a look of disappointment, probably cause I'm sitting cross legged like a pup would, but you know what I don't care anymore, all I care about is Caleb right now.

I look out the window, waiting for my moms and Caleb's parents car to show up. 


I see my moms car pull up and another close behind hers, going to assume it's Caleb's parents and siblings.

I walk out side and I see my mom get out of her car and see me, she runs up to me and hugs me and I hug back.

"Zane! Are you okay?! Oh my god I've missed you! Next time we'll be more careful for that psychopath!" She says to me and I laugh a bit.

"I'm fine mom, I've missed you too and yeah we will mom" I tell her and I break the hug to see Caleb's family walking towards us.

I walk towards them "hey mr. And Mrs. Snow" I say as I walk up to them.

"Zane you can call us Hayley and Jason, it's alright" Caleb's mom says to me and I nod.

Caleb's nine year old little sister runs up to me "is Caleb alright?" She asks me.

"Yes Janet, he's fine" I tell her and smile at her.

She smiles and hugs me, well more of my leg than me.

As usual Caleb's brother, Jamie, doesn't say anything, I smile at him and he looks away.

Ava walks out and sees us all standing there "oh thanks for getting me Zane" she says.

Janet and Jamie run to Ava and they both hug her "Ava!" They both say.

"Why hello my subjects, what things did you get your queen while I was away?" She asks them.

Jamie hands her a dollar and Janet hands her a pop can tab.

"Ah very good, I shall add these to the treasure room" she says with a British accent.

I can't help but smile and laugh at what happened, Ava walks up to us and we all talk for a bit when Ava wants to tells us something.

"So Caleb is in a room now, the room number is 183" she tells us all and I smile and rush to the room by myself.

I get to the room and enter it, I see Caleb laying down, I rush towards him.

"Babe! Are you okay?" I smile at him and hug him.

"Yeah I'm fine, the bullet went through so they just had to patch me up, and my ear will stay like this forever, sadly."

"Hey well I think it looks cool! You'll be even more popular at school now that furs will ask what happened" I tell him, smiling a bit.

"Yeah well I guess that can be true" he smiles and kisses me.

We both hear a awwww from Caleb's family and from my mom as they walk in.


(Oh and there's going to be a huge time skip in the book, you guys will get caught up of what happened in the time period, so don't worry)

Hey guys and gals if girls read this, hmm don't know, well sorry for the long time for the update, I was stressing out about exams and potentially failing a class well still don't know if I did or not and stuff like that, so I had to use all of my time to study, just kidding! I don't study at all lel I do worse if I study and I always get a B-A if I don't so yeah, but now that second semester is coming and all the exams are done for the first semester I can update more oh and I put out a new book thing for updates about this book and future books, so go add that to your library so you can stay updated on stuff, well Ima go now, byeeeee!

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