"What, Stila?" Clyde asked, turning to me with a worried look on his perfect face.

"I forgot the present in the car. Could you give me the keys?"

"Sure," he said, looking uncomfortable while ruffling in his pants pockets.

When he handed them to me, my mom ushered both the boys in and closed the door while I walked back to the driveway.

I grabbed the present and entered the house, taking off my coat and maneuvering my way around the house to where everyone else was.

Hearing laughter in the living room, I made my way there and stopped at the foyer, admiring how much Clyde was getting along with my brothers, Theo, and my father. They were all talking and laughing together, which warmed my heart.

As Josh was telling a story from childhood, Clyde caught my eye and smiled, standing up and walking over to me.

Taking me into his arms, he gave me the biggest, sweetest hug that has ever existed. Taking one of his hands, he placed it over my large stomach and rested his head on top of mine.

"Are my brothers treating you okay?" I whisper to him, enjoying the moment.

"Yes. They're really great, almost as great as you."

"Good," I smiled.

"Alright, love birds. It's time to get cooking, Stila," my mom said from behind me, making me and Clyde jump.

"Okay, I'll be right there, mom."

Huggin Clyde again, I kissed his chin and then pulled away, promising to be back later and offering him a drink, which he kindly refused.

Walking into the kitchen, I was greeted with mayhem. Susan, June and my mother were rushing around, putting things into the oven and mixing mixtures together.

"Okay, Stila honey. You'll do the old family recipe. The fruit salad, do you think you can handle that?" My mom asks, mixing together the ingredients to make pumpkin cheesecake.

"Yeah, mom. I've been making it since I was 17," I said, rolling my eyes.

Taking out a cutting board and a paring knife, I began cutting a strainer full of grapes into fourths. I did the same thing with a jar of cherries. Grabbing 4 oranges, I peeled them and cut the individual pieces into thirds. And lastly for the fruit, I took a banana and cut it in half, and then diced it.

Satisfied with my cutting, I put the fruit into a bowl and dumped a full container of cool whip in, and decided that adding another half wouldn't do any harm. I took half of a bag of marshmallows and poured them in, as well. Finally, I moved onto the last piece; sour cream. Taking a container, I dumped half and started mixing it together.

Content with the fruit salad, I placed it into the fridge and moved on to helping my mother make an apple pie.

Feeling slightly weak, I decided to take a break and hang out with the boys.

"Hey, baby," Clyde said, making room for me to sit on the couch with him.

"Hey," I said, blushing while smiling, and sitting next to him.

For the next 15 minutes, I tuned out on what they were saying and rested my head on Clyde's shoulder.

After another five minutes, my eyes started closing on their own and soon I lost consciousness.


"... Yeah, she's pretty great," I heard Clyde say while feeling my head getting a comfortable massage.

"Is she crazy like her mother?" My father asked, chuckling. Pretending to still sleep, I stayed quiet and waited for Clyde's answer.

"Sometimes, yeah," He said, chuckling along.

Unsatisfied with his answer, I elbowed him in the stomach and opened my eyes, which were met with Clyde's blue ones.

"Well good morning," he said, shrugging off the attack I placed on his stomach and smiling.

"Shut up," I said, raising my head and looking around the room, where everyone, including Susan and June, was staring and looking at us.

Blushing, I turned and faced Clyde again, communicating with him through my eyes.

Clyde coughed to get everyone's attention and then said, "So, we have a gift for you guys."

Enlightened, my mom squished herself next to me and held out her hands. Everyone in the room laughed, clearly used to my mother's antics.

Handing me the gift, Clyde took my hand and smiled. I handed the gift to my mother and watched as she tore the wrapping paper open like a savage beast.

When she got to the blue booties that laid underneath, she squealed and pulled me into a hug, along with Susan and June.

The boys were a little confused at first, looking to the booties and then to my stomach before the confusion faded away and was replaced by happiness.

"A boy?" My mom asked, loudly.

"Mhm," I said, nodding my head.

"Can you believe it, Fred? A boy!" My mom said, excitement beaming from her eyes.

"I sure can't. Sweetie," my father said, proudness lacing his voice.

Each of them took their turns hugging me and Clyde, congratulating us.

A few hours passed, with me and the other girls cooking in the kitchen, and we were finally seated at the table.

Cleaning up John's twins, Corey and Alia, added an extra ten minutes of waiting for the men, who were being quite impatient.

I sat next to Theo and Joe, with Clyde across from me sitting next to John. John and Susan were on either side of their kids, and June and Josh were on opposite sides as well, leaving my mother and my father at both ends of the table.

We all conjoined hands and my father said grace. He cut the turkey, and we all took large helpings of the delicious platters that were in front of us.

After Clyde finished, he began playing footsie with me, which made me giggle nonstop. Everyone else finished their dinner meals, and we decided it was time for dessert.

Rising from my seat, I was hit with a wave of dizziness. Grabbing my chair to hold onto, I tried to stop the room from spinning.

"Stila? Stila!" I heard Clyde shout, before falling into a state of oblivion. 



Song this chapter: Little Do you Know by Alex & Sierra

HAPPY LATE THANKSGIVING TO ALL OF MY AMERICAN READERS!! This was meant to be posted on Thanksgiving, but it was my birthday on Wednesday and Thanksgiving with family on Thursday and then Black Friday today.... O c'mon, you were too busy to read it anyway :P

WE'VE ALMOST REACHED 2K READS! KEEP IT UP MY LOVELY READERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD!! As a late birthday present, you could always Vote, Comment & Follow ;)

XOXO, Cooler_Than_You_101

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