--You make the Good Girl Jealous

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"Hey chloe! Chloe wait up!" I spun around in confusion in the crowded fourth of July crowd as we crowded around the two beach. I had come with Liz and Leo who had allowed me to crash their date to my being a single lady yeah you heard me right Beyonce but left them alone for an hour or so so they could have some alone time. Finally I saw Drew's face appear through the crowd and I managed a small smile.... oh this'll be awkward. 

"Hey Drew." I said when he was in hearing distance so I didn't have to yell "What's up?" 

"Nothing I was just on my way to go and get a bag of popcorn.... wanna come?" 

I shrugged my shoulders "Why not?" 

As we started walking I felt the same squish between my toes as I walked but I didn't care "So who did you come with?" He asked me as we walked. "Don't tell me you came alone." 

I shook my head "Liz and Leo invited me to come along and I agreed seeing as it's better then the chick flick marathons I had planned for the night.... who did you come with?" 

"Oh um... a bunch of people." Drew said awkwardly all of a sudden avoiding my gaze. 

"Like...." I asked egging him on. 

"Um Cody Armstrong, Lilly Mathews, Grace Moretz, Lucas Greene, and Sage Collins." 

I nodded "That's 6 of you.... 3 girls 3 boys who's your date?" It came out a little forced to sound cheerful and immediatly I kicked my self mentally damnit he's gonna notice that. 

"S-Sage." Drew said awkwardly. 

Sage Collins.... she was one the cheer squad with Liz always trying to take her job as captain I knew Liz hated her especially because Sage flirted with everyone of Liz's boyfriends including Leo and actually now that I think of it... she had flirted with Drew alot when we were dating. 

"That's cool." I said dryly. 

I don't know why but I could feel the tears rising in my eyes and I silently cursed crap if Drew saw them.... "You okay?" He asked and I mentally groaned, great just freaking peachy. 

"I'm fine." I said with a nervous laugh "I broke up with you remember? Why would I be jealous of Sage I mean you guys would make a cute couple anyways I mean you both are so popular and successful and--" 

"Chloe..." Drew said "I wasn't even talking about Sage." 

I stared at him dumbfounded then stammered "O-I um... I just--I'm just gonna um you know--Go." With that I sprinted away from him as fast as my tiny legs would go I ran. 


That's how I ended up on the couch eating from a bucket of ice cream watching 'Letters to Juliet' I had texted Liz earlier saying that I wasn't feeling good which was half true. Just thinking about Drew with another girl just made me feel sick. 

I thought we were supposed to end up together, am I so wrong to think that? The sound of the doorbell ringing into the night caused me to jump. Standing up I hit pause on the movie and walked towards the door, as I opened it there stood Drew staring at me intentivley. 

"Um hi--" 

"Were you jealous?" Drew asked interrupting my confused speaking. 


"When I told you about Sage were you jealous of her? Thinking that she was my new girlfriend.... how did that make you feel Chloe?" 

I stared at Drew in confused silence for a minute before saying "Um... I don't know." 

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