21- Broken Mirrors

Start from the beginning

"I'm alright. Just tell Mrs Bennett that we've caught the flu and need to stay home for a couple days,"

"I'm pretty sure Mrs Bennett already knows the real deal," Grace mused, wiping the corners of her eyes. "Faith was about to beat the crap outta that female dog,"

"Why don't you just say bi-"

"Ah-ah-ah! I'm on a swearing diet, my ears are sensitive to vulgar language,"

We heard Love chuckle and it brought a small twitch to my lips. At least she was still up for a tiny bit of humor.

"W-What's the situation? Has Prudence been diagnosed?" I asked, wiping my clammy hands on my skirt.

"The doctors did blood tests and found out that she has anaemia so the fact that she was starving herself and making herself throw up all the food she'd eaten wasn't helping. She'd probably going to have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks until she's in better condition."

"Wait what?" Faith sputtered, her eyes widening. "She's been making herself throw up?"

"Mhm. Did the good ole finger down the throat every night."

"I found her in the toilets, vomiting her guts out Wednesday night and she said she had eaten something bad,"

Faith sniffed once more and the painful zing of the bell reverberated through the school and we said our goodbyes to Love. Trudging to our form room, I handed them their bags and Faith stayed behind in the hallway. Mrs Bennett was giving her a stern look and I gave her a concerned glance before closing the door and settling down in my seat next to Grace.

"So Hope, care to tell us where the Bonneville twins are?" Amethyst smirked in my direction which completely shut up all the chatter in the room. I raised an eyebrow at her question and didn't utter a single word of explanation.

"She's talking to you," Kaydence stated behind me but I didn't turn around.

"Oh My God what a brat! She thinks she's the Queen of England," Amethyst giggled with a venomous sneer on her face. She leaned forward and tapped the side of my head. "Keep dreaming hon."

"If I was the queen, I wouldn't have to listen to the stupid crap coming out of your mouth," I turned around and glared at her in those brown eyes of hers. The eyes that would fool anyone that she was a harmless sweetheart and just an innocent schoolgirl who spent her time having fun with her friends, getting good grades and obsessing over their crushes. That calls for the devil.

"Savageeeeee!" some mumbled across the silence fallen upon us. I could see people stifling their smirks out of the corner of my eye. Hi, Fred, I can see you grinning that stupid smirk of yours and secretly flashing the middle finger. Stop. Just stop.

The door opened and Faith entered the room, her eyes as determined and strong as steel, her demeanor as cold as ice and her posture straight. She walked to a seat and sat down before crossing her legs and arms and leaning back in her seat.

"Silent reading everyone," Mrs Bennett said. "Amethyst can I have a chat with you?"

Amethyst looked shaken for a blink of an eyelash before she abruptly stood up and gave Faith a choleric glare and followed Mrs Bennett out of the room.


"Excellent roast, as always," Fred slid into the seat next to me in Geography.

"My pleasure," I mocked a bow before fiddling with the end of my Dutch braid.

"Why the heck does your hair look like a unicorn's tail?" It was such an out of the blue question that I nearly snorted at Fred's genuine curiosity.

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