Chapter Six: Entertainment

Depuis le début

“Shut the fuck up, girl! I wanna see a damn fight!” Hidan yelled, smirking a bit. This man really confused me. They all did. But, it was clear hat he had only spoken to get Deidara riled up, before I even had the chance to calm him down.

“Watch your fucking mouth!” He yelled, making Hidan laugh. I swear, at times, I could just kill him. He’s lucky he’s immortal.

“Gonna make me?” He challenged, drawing out his scythe. Itachi sighed, rolling his eyes at their insolence. “We have entertainment waiting for us. Are you seriously going to waste your time here?” His cool voice cut them down, momentarily putting a stop to their bickering. 

I sighed in relief, my gaze locked on Sasori. His eyes had gone back to their dull composure, holding no interest for whatever this ‘entertainment’ was.

“Well, Sasori, you coming?” He leaned against a wall, his face holding no real emotion. “What you think to be ‘entertainment’ is different from my point of view. It doesn’t interest me in the slightest.” He rolled his eyes, making me wish I could just throw myself at him. Don’t be easy. Not attractive, Raikou.

“Can I come?” I piped up, suddenly curious. I mean, if the mention of it stopped their argument, it had to be worthwhile. Right? They all looked at me oddly before laughing. Loudly. Deidara turned a bright red, shaking his head. “Uh, you wouldn’t like it. Well, at least I hope not…” He rubbed the back of his head. “I mean, are you in to that kind of thing?”

“I think she just got that much hotter,” Hidan licked his lips, making me regret that I had said anything. Just what exactly did they do for fun? Sasori was staring at me, suddenly deciding to tag along. Well, this should be … interesting.


The living room was slightly altered, making plenty of room in the middle. Couches and chairs were pushed against the wall, and the boys all had their wallets in view. Kakuzu being the exception, of course. He was the cheap bastard. 

“What’s going on?” I muttered, not expecting an answer. Sasori sighed beside me. “You’re about to see what the Akatsuki do to entertain themselves. Except for Pein. Konan would kill him.”

“Is it dangerous?”

Sasori seemed amused, rewarding me with a smile, “Just hardly.”

“Bring in the tramp!” Hidan roared, hurting my ears. I do wish he weren’t so loud. Or annoying.

What came next, I guess I really should have expected. I do live with a bunch of males, after all. How did I not see this coming, before? I don’t know. Too late, now.

Itachi walked in the room, towing along with him a young girl. She looked like she couldn’t be any older than me, if not younger. But, that’s where I similarities ended. The girl’s hair was cropped close to her shoulders, emanating a deep chestnut color, with eyes to match. Her physique was a bit smaller than mine, giving the illusion of innocence.

That was, until you noticed her attire. There was absolutely nothing innocent about her clothing. It made my short dress seem appropriate. Which, in my mind, was scary. I looked saint like next to her.

And, they all were getting a kick out of it. Even the reserved, quiet Itachi.

“I was naïve,” I stated, staring at the girl. She looked as if Hidan had dressed her. The thought sent chills down my spin; and not the good kind, either. That is revolting. He is revolting. Sasori nodded, also staring.

Deidara slightly frowned, looking to me. “You don’t have to stay, you know.”

“It’d be better if you didn’t,” Sasori agreed, pushing in the direction of the rooms. I watched the girl. She didn’t seem uncomfortable. But, she didn’t seem to be enjoying herself, either.

“It couldn’t get any worse,”

“You’re right,” Sasori shoved me, again. “It’s get much worse. Let’s go before she starts.”

“What is she going to do?” I asked, hoping it wasn’t what I thought.

“…Stuff whores do. Do I need to paint a picture? Let’s roll.” I cringed. Yet, another being the Akatsuki wasn’t treating humanely. We may be different, but we could relate. I’m just hoping I’d get the chance to talk to the hooker before something happens to her. Like Hidan.


My best friend spilt Sprite all over my key board -_________-* IT’S SO DAMN HARD TO TYPE ! D: Imma kill her |:< She’s dead. >,< 

Mmm, I was gonna say something … but, I forgot. XD Hope you enjoyed ♥ Seriously never thought this story would be popular O: ILoveYouGuys. 

Someone unfanned me, and I have to say, I’m quite upset. I work really hard for you little fans , and now I’m just like <////3 Brb, crying. :c 

Happy Readings~! 

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