Chapter Four.

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"You're the first and last thing on my mind each day and every day when ever I think about you I feel something,something so special. I feel tingle when ever you're not around me"
-BY ME!!


It's been Two freaking Weeks since I was working my ass off. Arranging his schedule, counting Files, Attending Calls. And other Stuff. I am mentally done. When ever I'm around him I felt strange like he Always took Glances and when ever I turned to him he Quickly looked away. Weird as Hell!

I was some how adjusted in a short period of time. I never thought I cloud easily Fit in such Elite Atmosphere. I currently handling some of files From Production Department. It was hard for me But Amy Told me some basic and important Tricks. Thanks to her.

I somehow like to make his Coffee. He sometimes leave Drinking it whenever I forget to Make A heart, bear and someother designs. I don't know why he liked them so much,For me They were more than a Disaster.

"It's Lunch break You lost thing" Amy said Entering into office.

"oh I just forgot" I said packing Pile of Papers. Amy's first Impression was ickle Bad. I thought she was a Typical Freat who fought for no reason.And develop Garages. That's why I just lost my believe in 'First impressions are the last one.' Pharase.

"Lunch from me Fella" She said and wink. After that we huddled to A Small Restaurant. I ordered Tikkay. And she Ordered Some Sea Food.

We talked about some Random stuff. And Then she Shock the f Word Out of me..

"I used to Had a Biggest Crush on Mursaleen. But than I came to knew that he was just playing and using girls. And they end up Hurting. I seriously Tried Hard to forget and I Succeeded. And you know he Tried to flirt with me as well" She said sadly and I huffed what she Told me.

"Unbelievable" I said still shocked.

"I  want to you to stay safe" She said while showing Concern. She's good. And I just nod not knowing what to say.

She told me some jokes I was laughing while Holding my Stomach back when my laughter suddenly Died.

Mursaleen with A girl.

He was rushing towards our table when I heard Amy. "I guess you've seen a Ghost" She said Chuckling.

"I guess Worst then a Ghost" She Arch Her one Eyebrow in a manner What are you even talking about?

"He's Here" I said In a Low pitch Voice.


"Your fiancé" I joked.

"He's in Denmark Silly" she Said Dramatically.

"Ughh, Trun Around" I said clearly Irritated. As she spun Around she watched Them moving so Close to us.

"Shiz, what is he Doing here and Haya we are late." She said making me Confuse.

"What, why I Mean How" I Asked My eyes were still Roaming Around him. He's handsome.

"We are Twenty Minutes Late" She said making me Dazed. We stood up Harassingly and Rush Towards 'Exit' but Freezed When I heard my name.

Shit, Busted.


Mursaleen's POV

I watched them Leaving Then when I saw Haya. My Target. Revenge Plan still on. I called her "Haya" she stood Still.

"Cat Got your Tounge" I snaped Frantically.

"Actually sir we.. I cut Amy off."

"Stay out, haya isn't your Name" I said while showing her my Index finger.

"I'm sorry don't Fired me" Amy Whines. Such a Douche Bag.

"Quite" I yelled.

"Baby, let's go" Alishba Yousuf My current girlfriend said while holding my Arms. I'm done with this Bitch.

"You two, We are not done yet. You both have to explain it to me latter" I said and ease while shruged my shoulder with Haya's on Purpose which she Shiver a little.

'Flash Back'

When haya left Showing Her so Called Attitude, Harris stared me Venturely. I was Biting back My anger Beacuse I want her to stay as I was planing For Revenge. She freaking slapped me. How dare she!

“wow She is something, Nice piece This time, you sure about the plan or you just Change your mind" he said and Brust into a Laughter.

I waited Haya to Left as I saw her Shadow Standing out of the Door.

"She Freaking slapped me Harris, even tho Dad and mum never even Touched me" I said Gruntingly Want to Cave her up. So she Can't ever Breath. Sneaky little Hoe.

"What's the plan" He asked Showing interest.

"Making Her Fall in love with me, Then Play with her Heart and some touch of Deciveness and Walla Done"

"That's a Third Class Plan Dude"

"What, How"

"Why do you want her to be in love with you when she just slapped you, defenceing her self."

"This is how she will Fall apart, I'll Crumble Her heart into million pieces"

"It's not a big deal let go mayn" He said Try to convince me.

"Are you in or nat" I asked.

"I don't know, she seems Nice" He said making my Blood rise to 100C° in Rage.

"Okay okay I'm in" He said and I sign.

End of a flash back!!”


Asslamu-Aliyikum Fellas!!

That was a short plus Boring chapter. Ik. I'll make things better. Promise.

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