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[Reigans pov]

I was so relieved when Josh and the rest of the sidemen showed up at the haunted house. I was completely terrified of going in and getting hurt but Josh seemed to calm me down.

When he recommended ice cream I was ecstatic to get away from this haunted house and to spend time with him. When we got there I was suprised to see as many people as I did from school.

And me being the shy person I was I took a step back hiding behind josh. Josh turned around and took my hand.

"It's ok" he said leading me into Nick Charlaps. (A.K.A the best ice cream place ever) Once we walked inside I noticed some people looking at us, Josh must have noticed because he squeezed my hand tighter.

Once we walked up to the cashier I noticed her as one of the popular girls from our school.

"What would you like?" She said staring at Josh. He just looked at me.

"Mint chocolate chip please" I said just loud enough for her to hear.

"And for you" she said batting her eyelashes at Josh.

"The monster mash please"(monster mash is this dish they have around where I live with a few different types of ice cream and different toppings) He said handing her the money.

"Ok one moment" she said walking away.

I looked around and saw people in costumes looking at me, I reconized all of them from school. Once the girl gave us our ice creams I saw she was glaring at me a bit.

"Let's eat outside" I said leading Josh across the street to where a small park was, we sat on the grass eating our ice cream.

I looked at the stars finding different constellations.

"Whatcha looking at" Josh said.

"The stars, they're (I'm proud of myself I used the right 'they're') beautiful" I said not taking my eyes of the stars.

"Beautiful" he said, I looked at him and saw him staring at me.

"You didn't look at the stars" I said slightly confused.

"I'm not talking about the stars" he said smiling at me, I looked down blushing.

(Who wrote this? Ali?? Also I'm going to try my best to continue this :) ~Gwen)

"You're really cute when you blush." He said blushing a little as well. I giggled slightly because never in a million years would I have thought I'd be in this situation.

I am sitting next to my idol and celebrity crush. Dreams like these only come true in fairytales. Those usually happening with missing slippers, kissing a toad, or a super magical kiss. This though, this is my fairytale.

What he doesn't know is he helped me get through some rough days. Even though he technically wasn't physically there. He put a smile on my face when not even the girls could.

It seemed like fate that out of all the high-schools in London he chose ours. Fate has its way of working its magic sometimes. Maybe this is the universe trying to tell me something.

"Reigan?" Josh asked tilting his head to the side. "You zoned out. Are you okay?" He asked with concern in his face.

"Never better." I smiled mostly to myself. I was a fangirl, I believe in fairytales and magical endings, every story has and ending, and I believe it should always be a happy one.

"C'mon." He said grabbing my hand. "Let's walk around and look at the stars." I agree breathlessly and got up. The park was always the best place to look at the stars up above. You could practically see the whole galaxy.

Died from cuteness
She will be missed by all

(tru tru. I also died from cuteness....episode 9 Yuri!!! On Ice. Watch it.)

"Hey Josh?" I asked

"Yes, Reigan," Josh responded.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Sure, what's up" he said.

"Why me?" I asked. Josh stopped and looked at me.

"What do you mean?" He asked staring in my eyes.

"Out of everyone in London, why me?" I asked breaking eye contact and looking down at my converse. He lifted my head up and looked me in my eyes.

"Are you asking why I like you?" He asked, I nodded looking down

"Why not you? You are the most honest, shy, and truthful girl out there. Not to mention beautiful. You also tend to keep to your friend group and you're usually the responsible and mom-like one. That's only the tip of the ice berg. I still have so much to learn about you. So much to love, and so much to hold on to," Josh replied, a slight smile pulling at his lips. He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. I felt it. Two souls joining as one. 

Thump. Thump. Thump.

It's almost like I could feel his heartbeat fall into sync with mine.

(I don't know, deal with it :T ~Floofs)

It felt as if time stopped and we were the only people in the world. I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine.

I can't belive it, I feel like I'm in a movie or story. (*wink wink*) Slowly we both leaned in and our lips connected.

It was perfect

We pulled away and I looked down blushing so hard. I can't belive that just happened, my first kiss was with my idol.

"Reigan would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked smiling.

"Of course" i answered still baffled all of this was happening.

He pulled me into a hug.

"Best night ever" i muttered, he must of heard me because he started laughing. He then looked at me again.

"Best night ever"

(Sorry it took forever to update)

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