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[Reigan's Pov]

As soon as I saw them I bolted. I usually get excited when new students come, but then I usually just stay quiet and shy when we meet them. I never expected them to come to our school. They're YouTube stars and they've been my idols for the longest time.

I guess it was all just a shock to me. I was afraid I was going to embarrass myself on front of them. Although sprinting away probably didn't make a very good first impression either. I sighed and rubbed my eyes gently.

Gwen was right sleep was definitely a good thing. I miss the extra hour I usually get. I still don't know what I'm going to do. I mean I have to show one, or maybe even two, around the school.

I slid down a wall in the hallway, biting my nails nervously. We all have our nervous habits. Ali's was messing with her hair, Gwen's was biting her lip, and Floofy.. well floofy is never nervous around us.

I jerked my hand away from my mouth. I should really break this habit. Then again the more you do a habit the harder it is to break, so I'm practically doomed at this point. 

I should probably head back soon so they don't end up sending search parties out for me. I sighed and pushed myself off the ground and began walking anxiously back to the office.

"Reigan! Reigan? Your friends are worried." Somone said.

Their voice was awfully familiar. I peeked around the corner. It's exactly who I thought. It was Josh. I may have a small crush on him, but I'll never be able to admit it to him. Im way to shy.

I stepped out and looked at him. "Actually it's pronounced"ree-gan"" I said nervously.

"But your friends pronounced your nickname as 'Ray' so I figured it was Reigan.." He Said

"It's spelt like that but it's not how you pronounce it." I said.

"Oh sorry." He said looking down.

"It's ok.... come on we should head back." I said

I walked back to the office with Josh behind me. I looked around, but no on else was there.

"Where is everyone?" I said making no eye contact with Josh.

"They're still looking for you.." he said.

I sighed and sat down on a bench and pulled my knees to my chest. Josh came and sat down next to me. I felt heat slowly rise to my cheeks. I'm pretty sure I heard him chuckle a bit but it's probably my imagination.

"My name's Josh by the way." He said

"I-I know.." I said.

"Your a fan?" I shook my head slightly.

"Why are you so shy around me?" He asked.

"I-I'm just afraid I'm going to embarrass myself in front of people. That I'll end up leaving a bad impression. So I just stay quiet. I ran off because I knew that I'd end up messing up somehow." I turned my head the other way.

Great way to boost my own self esteem. I smirked a little.
Josh turned my head. Lifting my head up with his finger. He smiled gently towards me.

"Well based off everything I know so far. I think it's safe to say I'll still like you if you embarrass yourself today. I think your a pretty cool girl, Reigan. I would really like to get to know the real you when your not shy." He said.

I smiled and he smiled back. "Thanks Josh. I really needed that."

"No problem." He said holding my hand.

I blushed a deeper shade of red and didn't say anything. He smirked a little bit before squeezing my hand in reassurance. I smiled through my blush as he let go.

I looked up and saw Gwen sprinting towards me. I stood up.

"Reigan thank goodness we found you!" She said hugging me.

She pushed me away. "Don't do that again." She scolded.

"Geez mom." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Anyone else show up yet?" She asked.

"No you were the first." I said

"Yes! Floofy owes me $5!" She said.

"You guys made a bet on me?" I said crossing my arms.

She smiled innocently. "I have great friends." I said rolling my eyes.

I heard Tobi, Ethan, and Josh chuckling in the back ground.

Then Floofy came up and hugged me before punching me in the arm slightly. Floofy pulled out her wallet and gave Gwen $5. She smiled brightly and snatched it out of her hands.

"What are you doing here!" We heard Ali yell down some hallway.

I glanced at Floofy and Gwen.

It can only mean one thing.


Another chapter! :) One way or another someone's gonna get hurt next chapter.

(I feel its me ._. ~Ali)

(Lmao. ~Gwen)


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