"We knew you we're on your way. How could you do that to her?" Hayley finishes.

"You don't understand, I didn't do anything—" my voice begins to get louder and I stop myself before whispering, "Kendall was pushing herself on me, I was telling her to buzz off when Rachel came over. She thinks I was cheating or summat." I can't help but rub my forehead. I hope Sophia is setting things straight.

"Damn, you think she'd take a hint. Kendall's getting on my nerves," Jen growls.

"Tell me about it," I remark just as Sophia steps out from Rachel's room, closing the door, before coming out to to join the three of us.

"She knows what happened," she tells me.

"You told her that I didn't—"

"I told her everything."


"She stayed quiet, but I know she was listening. I'm going to take off so you can talk to her," she places her hand gently to my shoulder before addressing the girls. "It was wonderful to meet you girls, thanks for letting me bring her in."

"N-No problem, thanks for taking her here safely," Hayley tells her and the two twins smile.

"Thank you," I say to her sincerely before I turn for Rachel's room and the twins let Sophia out.

When open the door to Rachel's room, it's very dark, and only faint light from the streetlights outside shine dimly on her body that lies on her bed. She's on her side, and as I walk around slowly to meet her face, I find her staring blankly at the wall in a creepy manner.

She's still wearing the beautiful dress that she was unsure about wearing tonight, looking stunning no matter the smudged makeup on her face and her ruffled hair.


Her eyes stay staring straight at the wall, almost as if she was compelled by it. She doesn't even move when I sit near her feet on the bed.

"Let me just explain."

"No, Harry." Her head shakes a little, yet her blue eyes still won't meet mine.

"But, I can clear things up... it wasn't what it looked like."

"Sophia told me."

"Yeah, but—"

"Stop. Just..." Rachel presses both hands to her face in agitation before meeting my eyes. "I'm going to be an adult here. I don't want to fight you and go through the same loophole over the same thing again. It's not worth it."

The bitterness in her tone seems about right, but the words she's saying stun me. She cannot be okay.

"I'm not okay with what I saw," she reads my mind, clarifying. "That.. that hurt me. I don't even believe it's really what I saw... I..."

"I was trying to push her away. She's the one who..Rach, I—"

"That's what Sophia told me. I get that you did that, you can say it a million times, but it still hurts my heart," her tone has changed from angry to emotional and I see her wiping her eyes.

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