Chapter 38

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Rachel's POV

"I owe you an explanation.." I blurt, shaking my head. Harry's body somewhat jumps, we hadn't spoken for a few minutes. I've been lost in thought.

Harry kisses my head. "If you don't want to--"

"I want to," I interject, unsure if I really mean it or not.

No, I'm not explaining a thing about the Jacob situation. I can't even think about it without wanting to run to the toilet again to throw up. That's too intense to discuss, and Harry just can't know. He won't understand. But I will definitely explain the other parts of this explosive argument, the ones with my ruining mother. I look up to him and sigh heavily.

"So, long story short, a while ago my mother discovered that you and I were dating from someone showing her a picture on the Internet. One the paparazzi took the night of our second date when I came to your place.." I trail off, noticing Harry's expression change drastically.

"That, that was your mum on the line?" he gapes.

"She's usually not this hard to deal with."

Harry shakes his head, "No mum should say anything to get their daughter that angry, or to react this way. We've never really talked much about your never told me anything like this. You said that they were strict, I didn't imagine like this. What was she saying?"

Again, I sigh, dreading to tell him about the list of rude names she claimed Harry is.

"She has no clue of who you are, how charming you are, and she already hates you! What pisses me off is..well..." I begin, realizing it's probably not a good idea to finish that sentence.

"Baby I can take any of it. You don't need to be afraid to tell me."

I scoot even closer to his body, noticing how the sun from the window is shining on us both, giving us added warmth. It's only like two in the afternoon, and I already feel like I've dealt with enough for one day, I should sleep until the next one. The only bad thing that could happen if I'm sleeping is a nightmare. I'm not sure what to risk.

"If she knew how famous you were, or even the slightest idea of how wealthy you are, she'd probably change her mind. She's judged you like the way you judge a book by its cover. She's usually been this way, but it's all worse now," I admit, searching his face but I can't read it. Suddenly realization strikes in me, and I straighten up to look into his eyes. "Harry, please tell me you know I don't care about that. I'm not like her, I swear. Please I didn't mean anything like that is what I think about, I don't care--"

"No, no, I know you, baby. I've been there, dealt with people like that. Like you, I do get scared with relationships, and if I'll get used, because it wouldn't be the first time. What you say is true, you are different from most girls, and I love you for that," Harry stretches to peck my cheek, pulling me to lay my head to his chest.

"I love you, Harry," I respond, kissing his chest before continuing, "But my mother calls you so many names, says so much crap about you, and that's what hurts me the most."

Harry pulls away slightly to be able to look me face to face. "Love, I've been called probably way worse," he giggles. "Yeah it bothers me some, not as much as it did though. I try to not care what other people think. Sure it's hard sometimes, but don't worry Rachel."

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