Chapter 42

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Rachel's POV


I am slowly zooming out of sleep, my mind still trying to grasp on to the thin thread to pull me back to dreaming. Dreaming of Harry and I. Yet I'm being slowly pulled away from that to reality. The reality so similar to the dream, except the dream is without the problems surrounding he and I. There's no street fights, abusive exes, dark pasts, just happiness and zero care in the world.

"Rachel, it's time you get up," Harry's voice becomes clearer. I open my eyes and look up. I'm still in his arms facing him.

"Morning," I stretch, Harry seeing it as the perfect time to kiss me unexpectedly, making me smile.

He sits up, "Good morning, babe. did you sleep?"

"Better than I thought I would, to be honest. Thank you for last night."

"You're welcome," he chuckles. I love the way his voice sounds in the morning, it's always hoarse, slower, and the words sound beautiful falling from his soft lips.

Speaking of his lips, there is still a slight cut through the center, from yesterday, but it's not as visible. The wounds to his knuckles are still quite visible however. I feel horrible, horrible that he had to endure that. Horrible that it's my fault he punched a guy out and could possibly get into trouble. I'm suddenly taken from my thoughts when he speaks.

"Do you want to shower here, and then I can take you to your place to change, and drive you there? Or just do it all there?"

"I can shower here," I agree. His shower and hot water is much better than at my cousins's. Something I take note of is how he knows me so well, at the fact he knows I'd love for him to be with me all morning, and especially keep me at ease the ride to the university.

"That's fine. Rach, I want you to eat breakfast, so I can go take a fast shower while you eat something, okay? Grab anything you want from the kitchen, alright? Please eat, you shouldn't do this interview on an empty stomach." Harry kisses my forehead before getting off the bed, grabbing out one of those interesting shirts of his and jeans along with some boxers, heading straight for his bathroom.

He seems...positive? I wouldn't say happy, because no one can be happy after what happened yesterday night, but I thought this morning he would be on a rampage. I thought I'd wake up alone; that he would have gone to find Trent and beat him up because of this stupid bite mark I have on me now, that when I think about it makes me want to gag. But I can't gag now, because I have to start my damn day. And of course today has to be the day my future gets decided, right after all that shit goes down yesterday.

After getting up and having a piece of toast and cutting up half an apple, I come back to find Harry still showering. I go ahead and undress myself, covering up in a towel.

"Harry? I should really be getting in now," I speak over the sounds of water raining down on him.

Harry comes nearer to the glass door. "My water just got warm, I barely have on shampoo...just come in with me?" Harry pleads.

"I..." I do want to, it's just taking a shower with's too intimate.

"Come on, Rachel, it's just a shower. Live a little," Harry says, surprising me by opening the door and holding his hand out to me. "Please?"

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