I gripped the hair on the back of his neck lightly and pulled him to me. He was moving too slow and my lips wanted his too much. So soft and warm against mine. I missed the feeling of them. It was like time stopped. All that matters in these moments was his lips on mine. Sending all my worries behind me, until they decided to cross my mind again, which I hope is no time soon.

The more he moved in the lower I went down until I was laying down on the couch and he was over me. His hands placed beside my head firmly.

Now his hands had found my hips again. His lips left mine and started sucking on my neck, biting it a little. I gripped his hair more and pulled him back up to me, kissing him more. His tongue grazed my lips and soon fought with mine for room in my mouth. I gave up and let his tongue win.

One of his hands slipped up my shirt and tried to pull it off. My breath quickened and my heart raced, pounding against my chest like it was trying to break out of a cage.

Was I really about to do this? I know I need to be distracted from Remington but was this too far?

Denis's lips left mine again and kissed all around my neck and shoulders, leaving wet spots from his tongue. His small scruff was tickling me, making me squirm around in his arms. My fingers ran through his thick hair, pulling on it every time he sucked on my skin.

My fingers soon found the trim of his shirt and pulled it off of him. Denis pulled back and looked down at me, his hands placed firmly next to my head like he was about to do push ups. "Fair game, baby girl. Your shirt comes off too." He bit his lip and his eyes pleaded.

Giving in, he pulled off my shirt and starting kissing me again. My stomach tightened and I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling his hips down to mine. They grinded against mine, making a slight moan escape my lips but I quickly closed my mouth. His boxers rubbed against my stomach and messed with my belly button ring, sending chills up my spine.

My chest tightened up and I clawed my finger nails into his back. My fangs fought to break free from the gums but I fought back, keeping them in. The craving to sink my teeth into his neck for pleasure wasn't something I was willing to give in to. I was afraid I'd kill him if I did. I was unsure of what I was capable of, for I hadn't tested my limits.

The pounding of our hearts filled my ears and I gripped his shoulders. His hands pulled my back up, sitting us up. I now had more control, sitting on top of him and I let him continue. His lips trailed all along my collar bone and chest, leaving wet spots from his tongue.

The tips of his fingers traced my spine, making me arch my back towards him. My heart was ready to jump out of my chest and run away, heat rising in my body. Shock went through my legs and I pressed up against him to stop the feeling. Between my legs began to pulsate and I quickly grew scared. Fear started to overflow but I closed my eyes and shook it off.

Denis gripped my hips and moved them around slowly. I wasn't uncomfortable, I actually wanted this. But I was at unease out of fear of what my future would hold if I continued this. This will be life changing if I let this happen. Even if its minor, it will change my life. I'll have lost the last bit of my purity.

He pulled my lips back down to his and took over my mouth with his tongue. The sensation hit me again and I gained my control, kissing him back. I wasn't about to worry about my future. I needed to live in the present. Get my mind off what Remington would think. I wasn't Remington's first anyway.

What was the harm? I was always told by everyone that sex was a necessity but not to abuse it by having sex with multiple people. This was just one guy. He wouldn't hurt me. He was protecting me. He just wanted to love me.

My stomach tightened again but I pushed it away, gripping his soft hair in one of my hands. It was my turn to take over, pleasure him a bit. But how?

Before I could do anything, Denis's hand was gripping the trim of my underwear. My breathe quickened again and I pulled his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers. I wasn't ready, just yet. But I would be. Soon.

A clump formed in my throat and it grew hard to breathe. His lips found mine again and I regained my breathe, kissing him back. He seemed to understand I wasn't ready just yet and respected it. If someone found out and knew our ages they could very well have a way of making this into a rape case even though I'm consenting to it. All because I'm 17 and he's 19. Honestly the laws annoyed me.

17 and 19 aren't that big of an age gap and it shouldn't be counted as rape with a certain age rang.

His lips were like oxygen, I needed them to breathe right now. My lungs were tightening in my chest and they burned fiercely. Everything he was doing was taking my breath away, but for good reasons. He didn't intend harm, just love.

His heavy breathing filled my ears and I could tell he was upset about waiting. In all honesty I was too but my body just wasn't ready yet. I was still worrying too much to loosen up and allow him to do anything.

I didn't understand what the problem was.. He's seen me naked before so that wasn't it. What was causing me to fear so much and delay this? I'm a 17 year old virgin. Something that isn't normal anymore. It almost seemed unhealthy in my brain. I was never one to follow the crowd but this one was kind of a must have.

If I didn't do this now I was most likely going to end up a 400 year old virgin.

I sighed and cupped Denis's cheeks, making him look up at me. His eyes filled with worry and I nodded at him. I was ready now.

I pulled off his lap and laid down in front of him, pulling off my underwear. Denis's eyes widened and he copied what I did, crawling over top of me again. His lips kissed along my neck again, leaving hickeys now. My heart raced again and my breath was shortened.

He was hesitant to start anything, still unsure of how I would handle this. It hadn't crossed my mind to ask if he was a virgin too but I wasn't about to ask and ruin the moment.

My stomach tightened up and pulled him down to me. His bare chest against mine. His hips rammed into mine on accident and we both let out a small laugh. His expression grew serious as he looked at me. I nodded at him and held onto his shoulders. I could hear his heart spread up and his positioned himself.

My breathe quickened, unknowing of the stinging, burning pain I was about to feel. I bit down on my lip to contain a scream as his tip slowly slid into me. His lips covered mine to mask my screams of pain and slowly pushed himself in.

I finally gained my breath again when he popped my cherry but soon I was frightened. That was it. I was no longer a virgin. But that didn't scare me the most.

What scared me what that my eyes flashed red.

Die For Something (Remington Leith/ Palaye Royale/ Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now