Chapter #2: What the...?!

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'Hm... So soft... When did my bed became this soft?' (Y/n) thought, rolling to the other side of the bed. She was sleeping peacefully, and suddenly, she felt the sun burn her closed eyes.

"Granpa, I already told you that is saturday, I wake up until 10 o'clock..." She mumbled, rolling to the other side immediately. But instead of hearing the 'GET UP YOU LAZY BITCH.';

A deep chuckle was heard.

(Y/n) automatically got up and looked at who belonged that sexy-as-fuck chuckle, and met a pair of beautiful red-eyes. It was the Sebastian Michaelis.

'Oh boi, oh boi oh boi oh boi oooooh boooiii.' She thought, keeping a poker face, but inside, she was fangirling. If you saw him face-to-face, he was more handsome than in the anime. His black hair looked more soft and shiny like the clear rivers, his eyes were an elegant vine red, his eyebrows were perfect just like his nose and lips, he was currently using his Butler attire. The girl couldn't help but to blush slightly.

"My, it seems that you've awoken Milady." Sebastian said, showing one of his fake smiles.

'SORRY, I DON'T UNDERSTAND JAPANE... Oh wait, He's speaking English, I can understand him! :D' (Y/n) thought, relieved that she won't have to break her head on thinking what Japanese words he would be saying. "Y-Yes, I'm awake." She said, looking away, blushing.

"Where am I?" The girl asked, playing to be dumbfounded and not to know anything. Sebastian, maybe following her game, answered: "You're in the Phantomhive manor, milady. Our gardener found you passed out in our garden, and our master, Lord Phantomhive, decided for you to stay until you woke up, so he could ask you some questions." The Butler explained, with a kind smile playing in his lips.

"Well, that explains a lot." (Y/n) commented, already calmed down about the situation. "Mind me asking, when am I going to meet him?" The (h/c) haired girl asked, playing with a piece of her hair.

"If it's possible, right now. I'm going to be waiting for you outside, when you feel that you're ready, go with me and I'll guide you towards my Young Master." The raven haired Butler said, bowing and exiting the room, closing the door when he was already out.

'I can't believe that I'm in Black Butler!' She thought, suppressing her inner fangirl. But then, she remembered something. 'My cellphone! My baby, where are you?!' She then started to look for her cellphone like crazy, and found it in her pant's back pocket. The (e/c)-eyed girl sighed loudly.

"Okay, so... Am I ready? Obviously, I'm ready as ever, I'm so ready that I don't feel nervous to talk to Ciel. Okey, here we go." She said to herself, inhaled and exhaled some air, and went outside the room, where as said, Sebastian was waiting for her.

"Ready, Milady?" He asked, putting on a fake smile.

'...Now that he's asking me, I feel like I'm not ready. Fuck.' The girl thought. "Yes, I am." She answered instead, the Butler motioned her to follow her, and that's what she did.

"I believe I never caught your name, Miss." Sebastian commented, still looking straight in the path, he started walking upstairs, the new guest following behind like a lost dog. "Oh, my name is (Y/n) (L/n)." (Y/n) replied, smiling sheepishly.

"What a lovely name, Miss (L/n)." Sebastian commented, sending the said girl a charming smile, making her blush. "Only (Y/n) is fine! I'm not really used in being called 'Lady', 'Milady', or anything like that." (Y/n) commented. 'Why am I blushing so much, Jesus Christ? Stop blushing so much for duck's sake.' She thought.

"As you wish." The Butler said.

After that, the Butler stopped in front of a door, that the girl assumed it was Ciel's study. (Y/n) stopped behind Sebastian and started to play with her hair nervously.

"Nervous?" Sebastian asked, looking down at the girl. "Does it looks like I am?" The (e/c)-eyed girl said sarcastically, earning a deep chuckle from the red-eyed man. "Don't be nervous (Y/n)." Sebastian reassured. "My Young Master is only going to ask you some basic question, so there is no need to worry." He continued.

"Maybe you're right, this will be easy... Really easy." (Y/n)  said, pausing in the middle of the sentence, thinking in what she was about to say. 'I don't know if they can understand the methaphor of -easy as cake-... Maybe they can, but I will be careful to not to spill some modern sayings. Just in case.'

The raven haired man knocked three times in the wooden door, and a soft 'Come in.' was heard. Motioning for the Butler to open the door.

-Here goes nothing.- The girl mumbles softly, looking at how the Demon opened the door and let her get in first. The (h/c) took a deep breath, exhaled and walked inside the study, coming face to face with Ciel Phantomhive.

"... Oh boi." She squeaked softly. The aura that Ciel had was really serious and a bit intimidating than she thought. "It seems that you've awoken, Miss." Ciel commented, looking up of his paperwork.

'No, I'm not awake. Is just that I talk and walk in my sleep.' The girl thought sarcastically, chuckling internally about her own sarcastic comment.

"Yes, I am." She answered again, putting a piece of her (h/c) hair behind her ear. "Take a seat, please." He motioned her to sit down in a comfy chair in front of his desk. (Y/n) only nodded and did as he told, trying her best not to 'take literally the seat and go away with it'. The Earl put his paperwork aside and looked at the uninvited guest with his eye (Lol, see what I did there? :v).

"So, I heard from my gardener that he found you passed out in my garden. Is that true?" He asked, crossing his arms and looking at her with a firm face.

"As I hear, yes, it is true." She answered honestly. 'It's like I'm those fanfictions where he starts asking questions the reader. Hope he doesn't asks me where I'm from. How am I going to tell him that I'm from the freaking future?' The girl thought nervously.

"So, let me start this asking you a few questions. First of all, where are you from?" Ciel asked, resting his chin in his hand.


From The Techno-Life (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Various x Modern!Reader) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now