New Story

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Alright, so I've been really liking this story I'm writing, and mostly it's just been me playing around. Anyways, I wanted to see what you guys thought about it. I know this isn't a lot, but then again, I still want you to read the story :)

Never Back Down
Who ever heard of waking up at four am to go to a meeting? What are we, night owls? Or is it early birds? "Cutter, why the hell do I have to go to this? It's too early for me. Just give me a damn gun and a head to shoot at and I'll do that. Don't make me go to some pointless meeting."

Cutter, my annoying best friend and Don, hands me a cup of coffee and a bottle of Advil. "Stop whining. You know that I need someone with me so I don't get bored out of my mind. The Advil is for the headache you'll get during this, and don't you dare say you don't need it. You won't be leaving that room, and I won't be giving you any while we're in there." He gives me a knowing look. "Yeah, I know your little trick for sneaking out." I pout, but take a sip of the coffee instead of arguing. "That's what I thought. Now come on. They aren't going to wait forever you know."

"Good, maybe they won't let us come in and I can go back to sleep. I'd rather stick with my gun than with you bickering ninnies." I say sticking my tongue out at him.

Cutter chuckles and shakes his head. "You really are something." His expression changes to his demanding Don persona. "Now, get inside. We have business to deal with and I'd prefer my enforcer to be in the room."

I sigh, knowing I've lost this fight. "Fine, but I get to sleep in tomorrow." I point my finger in his direction as I walk past him and towards the big, black double doors. They reach up to the ceiling, which is easily twenty feet up, maybe even higher. My hand firmly presses against the door and it swings open. The sound abruptly stopped as I sauntered in. Gradually, murmurs began to pick up as I sat right next to Cutter's seat.

"Is that his woman?" One man whispers.

"He wouldn't bring his woman. This is business." Another says in a hushed tone.

"We really do live in dark times if you cannot notice that she is, in fact, my enforcer." Cutter says, taking his seat beside me. "She could kill any of you in a snap." As proof of his statement, he snaps his fingers and a dagger hits the wall directly across from me. The men take a second to process the fact that I had thrown that dagger, and that none of them had noticed that I had in fact thrown it. I sit, bored, staring at my nails. "Please, take your seats. We have much to discuss." Cutter says, pulling everyone out of their shock.

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