Chapter Sixteen

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My wolf growls and becomes extremely angry, and I do the same. "What do you mean? She is mine." I say with venom laced throughout my words.

Her dad sighs and I glare between the two of them. "You're already the Alpha of your pack, correct?" He asks and I nod. My dad already passed down the title. "She is the mate of every unmated Alpha, until she is fully mated with one of them."

"It will be me. I love her." I growl protectively.

Sophie's mother puts her hands up in an effort to comfort me. "We understand, but you need to know she isn't like every other tigress there has been." I nod, not completely understanding. "We planned on keeping her hidden, but the school called for her. We didn't understand why, but we do now. It was for you." She says calmly. "We'll pull her out." I stand up abrubtly. They aren't taking my mate away. Hell no.

"You just told me that I'm not the only one that can claim her, and now you want to take her from me? No. I will take her to my pack." Her dad starts to growl but I growl back. You do not, and I repeat, do not get between an Alpha and his mate. I feel a warm surge of power and know that my wolf wants to come out. Instead of giving in, I shake my head to keep him back. "We will stay for Thanksgiving, then you will tell the school she isn't coming back. I will take her home, and keep her away from every Alpha male until she is ready for me to mate with her."

Her father growls at the fact that I'm telling him what to do, or that I'm talking about mating with his daughter. Either way, I growl back and he bows his head.

What the actual fück? I ask my wolf.

He's submitting to us. This man, this brick wall, is submitting to me? I mean, I'm pretty strong, but I never expected him to submit to me.

"Connor, go down to your mate. You're very angry." Sophie's mother says to me. "We'll tell the school, and you can tell her."

Instantly I lose my confidence. She is going to be so pissed at me. I nod softly and walk out like a zombie. My posture screams "dead man walking" the closer I get to her scent.

I walk into a living room and see Sophie turn to me. Her bright smile fades as she notices my position. "Are you okay?" She quickly runs up to me and inspects me for injuries.

I nod and go sit on a light gray couch. She sits down beside me and a woman, she has the scent of an omega, leaves the room. "I need to tell you something that you won't be happy about."

"Alright, rip it off like a band aid and just tell me." She says.

I take a deep breath. "Your parents are taking you out of school per my demand and you are coming to live in my pack."

She stares at me for a second then speaks up. "You demanded? And you survived?"

I look over at her and see her with a raised eyebrow. I nod. "He submitted to me." This time shock flashes across her face.

Just as she gets over the shock, she becomes angry. "You demanded that my parents take me out of school, and decided that I am going to live with you when you haven't even discussed this with me?" Please don't hate me, I think to myself.

I nod and she crosses her arms. "I'm sorry baby." She huffs loudly and I see her trying to figure out what to do.

"Idiot." I raise an eyebrow, but she doesn't apologize.

Did our mate just call us an idiot? My wolf asks me.

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