Chapter Thirteen

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🐯Sophie's P.O.V.🐯

After last night I wake up smiling. Sure, the headmaster had come in and scolded me, but I didn't care about any of that. Connor had kissed me. That's what I care about.

I hear Trish and Lily talking outside my door and decide to let them in. "Well good morning girls." I say as I open the door.

Trish turns to look at me and smiles. "Morning. It's time for you to explain last night." Well she cut to the point.

I lead her over to my bed and she sits down. "Now, when I say this, I want you to promise not to tell anyone else." She nods. "Alright. I'm going to say this slowly. My wolf is not a wolf. She's a tiger." Trish turns to Lily expecting her to laugh, but she doesn't.

Trish's eyes look back at mine and they're clouded with confusion. "A tiger?" Are the only words she can muster.

"Yes, a tiger, or well tigress. She's very adamant about being called a tigress." I point out.

Trish shakes her head. "I don't believe you." Her arms cross over her chest and she glares at me because she thinks I'm lying.

I roll my eyes and let my tiger take over. Just as always, my tigress stands in front of them. Lily looks completely calm while Trish is shocked and backing away. "What the hell?!" I sit down and lick my paws. When Trish notices that I'm not hostile she chills out. "You knew about this?" She asks Lily. Lily only nods and looks at me. "How? You were beside me the entire night."

Lily nods again. "Yeah, I was, but I've known this bit of information since Sophie first shifted. I was there when it happened. I was spending the night with her and she shifted in the middle of her yard while we were playing." Trish nods. The first shift is always randomly placed. It just depends on when you're ready.

"Well." Trish runs a hand through her hair. "That's a lot of information to process, I mean, you're a tiger, obviously." She pauses. "How?"

Lily takes this question too. "The Sun Goddess chooses one girl every one hundred years to become a tigress. They're extremely powerful and they normally break off from their pack, kind of making their own from those that are close to them. I've already accepted that I'll probably be part of this split off group. I've been friends with her since we were kids. I'm definitely a candidate." I nod my feline head and Trish immediately turns to me.

"So, how's it feel? To be a tigress that is." I can't answer her because I can't talk but I nod at her. "Oh yeah, forgot, sorry. You can tell me later." A rasping comes from my window and there's Connor, hanging like a monkey. "Holy shit!" Trish runs to the window. "Go! We could be naked!"

Connor only looks around her at me. I nudge past Trish and use my mouth to unlock the window. Connor climbs through seconds later and slowly closes the window. "I see you showed her." He scratches the top of my head and the tingles make me purr. I know, typical cat.

"You know? Does everyone know before me?" Trish waves her hands in the air dramatically.

Connor laughs. "I'm her mate Trish. Chill." Trish stares at him with her mouth wide open.

"I knew I was the perfect match maker. I put the two of you together before the two of you even knew you should be together." She crosses her arms over her chest and smirks at us. I lay down at Connor's feet and he lowers himself to me.

"You should shift back. Get some clothes on." Connor says quietly. "I think you've made your point to Trish." I nod and stand up. He turns his back to me and I shift. I had taken his shirt off before I had shifted and placed it over my body. It covers down to my mid thigh. I walk over to my dresser and pull out panties and a pair of shorts before slipping them on.

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