Chapter Seventeen

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💄Sophie's P.O.V.💄

I'm still a little angry with Connor. My tigress doesn't want him around unmated women either though, so I guess I can't judge. I'll ask if Lily and Trish can come over for a while, just so I have people to talk to while he's handling his Alpha duties.

"Sophie? Sweetie, we're sorry." I hear my mom say from behind me. I turn and lay my arms across the back of the couch and rest my head on them.

"It's okay mom. I agreed. I guess I understand that his wolf doesn't want me around other males until I'm marked. It's his way of protecting what's his." My mom nods, but her brow is creased.

Just then, my dad walks in and wraps an arm around her shoulders. "That mate of yours is quite demanding." He says it and I can hear his irritation.

"Yeah, sorry dad, I heard about it. Why did you submit?" I ask while tilting my head.

My dad clears his throat and avoids eye contact. "I'm an old wolf."

I scoff. "You've always been an old wolf to me, yet you beat me all the time."

My mom buts in. "Sweetie, let's go get something to eat. I made some brownies before you got here."

I narrow my eyes at the two of them, but my mom knows brownies are my weakness. "Alright, but you guys are explaining this to me later." I stand up and draw a circle around them, then head into the kitchen.

Rachel is standing in front of the stove and turns to look at me. The second she sees me she rushes to pull me into a hug. "I'm glad you're here. Maybe you can tell your brother to KEEP HIS FINGERS OUT OF MY SAUCE!" My brother, who was sneaking to a pot on the stove, stands up straight with a smirk. "Yeah, I know you're there." He wraps his arms around her waist, careful of her baby bump. Werewolves have children way faster than humans, and Alphas have children even faster than that. In less than a month this little one is gonna pop out, and Rachel definitely looks like she is ready to pop.

"I'm taste testing. I don't want my mate or my pup to eat something bad." He says kissing her neck.

"PDA!" I shout at them.

Rachel laughs and pulls out of his hold. Greyson growls a little, but lets her go back to her pot.

"Who's showing PDA?" Connor asks as he walks in. "And can it please be us?"

I laugh and grab his hand. "There, happy?"

He shakes his head and pulls me up off my seat and into a hug. "There, now I'm happy." He says with a huge grin. His dimples give him a childish look and I melt when I see him. We stay looking into each other's eyes until Greyson clears his throat.

"Hate to break that up, but dad is coming." I nod and pull away from Connor.

My dad steps into the archway and scans the room. When his eyes land on me and Connor he speaks. "I'd like to speak with both of you, in my office." I nod and follow behind him, snatching a brownie off of the counter. Connor is holding my hand and I can feel that he's a little nervous.

It's okay Connor. He won't try and hurt you with me there. I reassure him through our mate mind-link.

He gives me a small nod but remains quiet. Even in my head.

My dad leads us into his office and we all sit on the couches. A second later my mom comes in and sits beside my dad. There's a blanket of silence over us, but it's broken by dad. "We haven't told you everything about your gift." He says in a calm tone. Immediately my mind goes to the safety of the pack. "Now we don't want you to worry." I silently nod, telling him to go on. "You know Connor is your mate, but he isn't your only mate."

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