Chapter Eighteen

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🐺Connor's P.O.V.🐺

After Sophie and I got back to her pack house, her mom showed me to the room I would be sleeping in. I noticed it was the furthest room from Sophie's. Well played Alpha Desperte. Very well played. Anyways, I take a little time to venture around the house before my mom and dad arrive.

At the moment, I'm on the second floor. I'm guessing this is where the pack rooms are, because they all have names on the door. The third floor is where I'm at along with Sophie and her family.

I hear sharp clicks coming from behind me and turn to see a girl about my age walking up to me. She flashes a smile and holds out her hand. "Hi, I'm Chloe." I shake her hand and her smile grows bigger, if possible. "Are you a new pack member? I haven't seen you around."

"Oh, no-" she cuts me off.

"I'll show you around. It's really easy to get lost here." I shrug and decide to take her up on her offer.

"Sure." She links arms with me and starts to show me around. I feel weird having her this close, but she's one of Sophie's pack members and I have to play nice.

"So this is where the majority of the unmated wolves stay, unless they still live with their parents." She says looking at the names on the doors. "This room is mine, wanna see?"

"Not-" Again, she cuts me off.

"Of course you do." She swings the door open, and the immediate scent that fills my nose is a shit ton of unmated men.

She wants to have sex with you, get out before mate sees us! My wolf urges.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I have a mate." I say quickly to the girl.

She turns and pouts at me. "You don't smell like you've mated. Am I not pretty?"

I don't really think on it. She is nothing compared to Sophie. "I have a mate. So do you." I say as I turn on my heel.

"Fine. Who's your so called mate?" She asks with a hint of sarcasm.

I turn to face her. "Your Alpha's daughter." Her face goes white and I walk out with a smirk.

The door closes behind me and I decide that I've done enough traveling. Instead I head down the stairs to find my mate. Her scent leads me to the living room where I see her talking with some other girls.

"Hey." I say to announce myself.

Sophie turns to look at me and beckons me closer. As soon as I get within five feet she turns and glares at me then stands up. "Why do you smell like Chloe?"

"I was walking and she decided to show me around. I left as soon as she lead me to her room." I say with honesty.

She huffs angrily and storms up the stairs. Mate's angry, go calm down mate. I follow Sophie up the stairs and straight to Chloe's room.

"That's my mate. Don't get anywhere near him. I don't tell dad about you because you're a decent fighter and you attend training religiously, but if you get anywhere near Connor I swear I will rip your throat out." She says pointing at the girl. Chloe's face is as pale as a sheet of paper now. Sophie turns to see me and walks to me. She wraps her arms around my waist and places her head on my chest. I put my arms around her and rub her back.

"Now you know why I don't want you anywhere near unmated males. They're pushier and even more aggressive." I say to her.

She nods against my chest and I walk her out of the room. Well at least she isn't fighting me on staying away from other guys.

Sophie lets go of me and takes a step away from me. My wolf immediately notices her hesitation with me and whimpers. "What's wrong?"

"I-" She stops and puts on her thinking face. "I can't go with you back to your pack. If I do everything will go too fast. I'm mature for my age, but I'm still my age." She says quietly.

I don't say anything, and instead pull her to me. Sophie tenses, but relaxes almost immediately from our sparks. Her hands travel around my torso to wrap around me. I place a gentle kiss on her head and sigh. "If you want, you can sleep in a different room. You don't have to sleep with me." I whimper a little knowing she won't be safe with me at night.

Thankfully, I feel her shake her head no. "I would find my way to your room." Her muffled voice says. My wolf growls in agreement and Sophie giggles. "Your wolf agrees Connor. Don't argue with him."

"Then don't make me. Please. I need you with me. He won't shut up about keeping you with us and protected." She lifts her face to see me, and I stare into her cat-like eyes.

"As long as you promise not to rush me, in anything." I nod my head and she smiles. The corners of my lips twist up into a smile and I lean down to place my lips against hers.

I feel the addictive sparks radiate from our kiss, and I only want to stay like this forever. Sophie bites my bottom lip and my wolf and I love it.

A loud growl erupts from down the hall. Sophie and I separate and turn to face the growl. Her father glares directly at us before saying "Connor, your parents are here." He spits my name out as he says it.

I nod and begin to walk with Sophie down to the first floor. Her hand grabs mine and I rub tiny circles on the back of her hand.

I notice that she's biting her lip a lot, and I'm curious as to what's eating at her. "Hey, you okay?" I say while giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

Her lips form into a confident smile. "Of course I am. Desperte's are always okay." I give her my best 'I know that's bs' face and she gives me an amused grin before she becomes shy. "It's the first time I'm meeting your parents. I just want them to like me."

"Your dad still doesn't like me. Trust me, you'll do much better than me in the parent department." I say in her ear. I didn't say anything shiver worthy, but I feel her shiver as my lips graze her ear. I love that I have an effect on her, because just looking at her has an effect on me.

I take one step our of her pack house and hear my mother squeal. "Connor!" She runs up to me, squeezing me in a hug so tight that a boa constrictor would be jealous. "Oh, and you must be Sophie." She lets go of me, only to squish Sophie.

"Mom, let's not squish my mate?" She pulls away, staring at Sophie.

"She's so beautiful. Herb, look at how beautiful she is. Our boy has a gorgeous mate." I notice Sophie's cheeks turn pink, and pull her to my side.

I give her a reassuring smile and she nods at me. "She is very beautiful, thank you for noticing mom."

My dad walks up to Sophie's dad, extending a hand. "Nice to see you Desperte. I'm glad to see you haven't torn my son to shreds."

Her father's jaw clenches, and I am scared to see his famous anger.

"Daddy?" Immediately his head turns to Sophie. "Play nice. They're Connor's parents. Not your enemy."

He nods and turns back to my dad. "My Luna will show you to your quarters for your stay. You will be on my floor, so if you need anything don't hesitate to ask my members for help."

"Thank you dear. Herb, stop being a testosterone filled airhead." Mom says, lightly hitting him on the chest.

"It isn't my fault my boy is mated to his daughter. I can act however I like." Dad says, and I get a little ticked off.

"Dad, you know what Sophie said earlier to her dad?" He nods. "Why don't you take her advice too?" It wasn't a question, and more like a polite order.

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