"I-I just took your healing power so I could heal myself"

I stand up, a hand cradling the back of my neck "don't ever come near me again" I say with as much venom as I can, Before I leave.

• • •

Reading the texts that have flooded my phone, I know that Stiles, Scott, and Liam are at Deatons.

That's where I am now, contemplating what to do with the last dread Doctor with them. The beast had killed the other two, and this one was barely hanging on.

"I say we kill it"
"I'm not sure it is alive"
"We should interrogate it"
"We don't use torture enough"

"Stop" I say, their arguing making me anxious.

Before I could say anything, the dread Doctor sat up. Emitting a loud, strange noise.

I cover my ears, the noise so painful I fall to my knees.

The noise stops, and I look up. Liam was on the floor, a pain stricken look on his face. "What happened?" I groan, getting up. "Hey, stop" Scott tells me, putting a hand on my shoulder

"What?" I ask, he ignores me. I feel the hair that covered the back of my neck be lifted to the side.

"What happened to you?"

I make up a quick lie "It's nothing. I just got hurt by the now dead dread doctors" I switch the subject "this is more important. What just happened?"

"Shh!" Liam says, clearly listening to something.

"That's it, the pike" I shoot Liam a puzzled look "the Argents have the weapon that can kill the beast"

• • •

"My mom found out that Mason had a twin in the womb" Scott says. We are all currently trying to figure out what exactly we can do to kill the beast but save Mason "but he ate it. So he has two sets of DNA. Which makes him a chimera"

I try my hardest to contribute to the conversation, but I can't. The deep sting of betrayal coursed through my veins. The claw marks on my neck faintly burning.

I can't believe that I trusted him, let myself think that he was actually apologizing for what he has done to me.

I sigh, all he's ever done is use me. So what made me think I could trust him in the moment? Am I so stupid and blind I let myself become prey to his words?

"It's Lydia" my head shoots up at the sound of my sister's name "Lydia can save Mason"

• • •

I've never felt so angry in my whole life. The beast, well, Sebastian somehow had hurt Lydia. She can barely talk now.

"What are going to do?" I whisper to Scott, who sits next to me. "We'll find a way. We always do"

The plan was that Lydia would use her banshees power to bring Mason back. But when her condition, there is no way she can talk.

"I-I don't know. I don't know if I can do this" I say, despair in my voice. Scott shoots me a concerned look "what happened to you? Did Theo do something to you?"

Impossible ➸ Theo RaekenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz