Chapter 61 - Cold Shower

Start from the beginning

It was much easier to catch him in the elevator; more precisely it was easier thanks to Tony who was able to let me know when he saw him get into the building on the video surveillance while I was hiding in the emergency staircase nearby the lifts; this allowed me to prompt out of hiding place at the perfect moment and join him by surprise. I know I might sound unfair and childish, but I have gotten so despaired to have him back that I am willing to try just anything, however ridiculous it may be.

However, I messed up. Again. I have become so entrenched in my lack of feelings that I wasn't able to express what I really meant and my I love you passed off as a cold statement rather than a passionate declaration. I sincerely meant it when I told him but it was just bereaved of emotion and Liam didn't buy it. Even I felt it. If he had given me a chance to explain the situation and why it is so hard for me to express myself, maybe I would have been able to make him understand, but he went haywire and I let him go before he would crash down. I didn't want to upset or scare him more than he was and I am now counting on Plan B.

Plan B is a longer term process, quite risky and it involves Ed, one of Liam's submissive friends. Of course Ed doesn't know that we are going to use him but his part of the job is important. On Saturday evening, Aaron told Ed that Liam and I were over - he obviously couldn't hide it to the guys there for much longer anyway. He also told him that he is worrying for Liam - which was true in any case - and that it would probably do him some good to see some people... go out... party at the Black Moon maybe... and Ed immediately rose to the bait. He said he was going to text Liam and hassle him until he would accept to go out.

Aaron's idea is that when Liam sees his friends, even if only at the Black Moon, he will enjoy himself enough; he will progressively think about returning to the Black Diamond and finally realize that he misses it. Aaron believes that he will remember some good memories at the private club, with me. My friend insisted that by then, I will have to make sure that I am more often at the club so that Liam can see me when he finally decides to go back to the Diamond. He is counting on my presence to revive Liam's lust and feelings for me. Hence the importance of plan A... Even if I messed it up, Liam does know that that I love him and he will be able to put two and two together in the end. It might take some time but I will exert myself to patience and give him the time he needs.

I don't expect him to return to the Diamond until a few more weeks but I will still go there tonight after my dinner with Liz and Tony. This week, I also realized how I have missed my friends; rejecting their help and refusing to listen to them was a big mistake and only complicated my return to them. Taking the decision was not so difficult, because I was at a point where I could no longer do without them; but apologizing was a different story. I may be strong, but I am far from perfect and pride is certainly one of my worst flaws; I admit. So pulling out some words of apology was anything but easy, but I made it and the wonderful friends I have immediately understood. I just wish I could manage this well with Liam... Anyway, tonight I would like to catch up with my friends and as the irredeemable stalker that I am, I might pay a visit to the Black Moon and watch my sweet boy from afar. Watching doesn't hurt, right? Be honest, Josh... Yeah, right... I can't promise that I will remain offside if some hunk dares approaching him.

Checking my watch, I realize that I am running late so I get back to my room to grab my duffle bag and hurry downstairs to meet Tony and Liz outside. Tony is wearing one of his eternal black suits - without the tie though - and Liz glimmers in a well fitted red dress that perfectly suits the curves of the forty-nine year-old woman. After a little playful fight about who is driving and who is sitting at the back, I end up on the passenger seat next to Tony while Liz sits at the back. The lady insisted on eating French and not at just any restaurant, but at Le Marais, Mark's restaurant. Liz has always had a little weakness for Mark - though she always loved Aaron and Camden too - just because he likes cooking and although I warned her that he wouldn't be here tonight, she persisted and claimed for Le Marais.

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