Serena's POV

I was screaming as loudly as possible. I was scared. I was basically falling to my death. All I could do was wait for the impact. I had my eyes tightly shut.

I was still falling. My whole life flashed before my eyes. The day I got my first Pokemon, the day I met all my friends. The day I started my school at KIT. The day I met Calem. But I had a flashback I couldn't quite understand. It was a flashback of a boy tying a handkerchief to my knee while in the middle of the forest.

As I was reminiscing about my while life, I felt something wrap around me. I thought I had finally made impact with the water, but no, It was two arms wrapping around me tightly.

I opened my eyes to see that it was... Ash?

He grabbed onto my waist and twisted around so I was on top of him and he would make impact with the water first which would cushion my fall.

I sighed of relief but then immediately dreaded everything. Ash was now in danger... and its all because of me. What if the river is really shallow? What if there are sharp rocks underneath the water?

"Ash, let me g-"

Before I could finish, we fell into the water. The current was very strong and the water was really cold. Thankfully, the water wasn't  shallow so there was nothing to worry about. I tried swimming up to the surface but found that I couldn't move and Ash was nowhere to be seen.

I couldn't move my arms or my legs. I had read about this. This was because of the shock caused by how cold the water was. This sudden change in temperature caused my body to go into shock because I wasn't used to it.

I started falling deeper and deeper into the river while being washed away by the current. I could feel all the air escape my lungs and start being filled with water. I was now terrified. I was drowning and there was nothing anyone can do to save me... Ash, where are you?

As I thought that, I could see something blue, white and black coming towards me. I couldn't hold on though. Seconds later, I passed out. My vision wen't completely black.

Ash's POV

After falling into the river, I was winded quite badly. My stomach was hurting quite badly and I felt like I was about to throw up. I looked around but couldn't see Serena. I had her in my arms but the impact and the current tore her away from my grip.

I waited a couple of seconds, withing for her to resurface, but when nothing happened, I started getting worried. Pikachu was already on the shore, shaking the water off of him.

WIthout any second thoughts, I took a deep breath and went back under the water. The water was pretty clear so it was relatively easy to see. I started swimming deeper and deeper but couldn't find Serena anywhere. I was running about of breath so I went to the surface, took another deep breath and went back underneath.

I started swimming with the flow of the water. As I was going deeper, I spotted something Pink and Red getting dragged away by the current. I knew immediately that it was Serena. I used all my energy to swim towards her and sure enough it was her, but she was in a bad condition. She wasn't moving at all and her skin looked really pale, almost turning blue because of the lack of oxygen.

I quickly grabbed her by the waist and started swimming towards the surface. The lack of oxygen in my lungs was getting to me too. I felt myself starting to back out. I felt my eyes starting to slowly shut and my legs give out. I didn't want it to end like this. I took a quick glance towards Serena and I knew I wanted to save her. It felt like all my energy was restored just for the sake of Serena. I used what little juice I had left to make one final push. Moments later, we resurfaced. I look deep breaths and swam towards the shore. Pikachu had been following me on the shore this whole time. As soon as I got to the shore, I laid Serena on the ground and felt her pulse. I panicked for a moment when I couldn't find it but immediately sighed a breath of relief when I felt a rhythmic throbbing on her wrist.

Don't Give Up... Until The End - An Amourshipping StoryWhere stories live. Discover now