Chapter 11: Secret Sins

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Chapter 11: Secret Sins

(Hanji's POV)

I knew I seemed like a backstabbing bitch on one end of the spectrum. But I had it all figured out... Levi had taken my heart and I was head over heels for the school's bad boy himself. I have never been happier with him.

But I knew with the good... Came the unbearable.

Mike and Nanaba knew everything. They were going to play along. We've been at this game for months as it seemed. And this was when the action was going to start.

But Sasha was not convinced at all. She knew so much about me because we were that of a similar age. She immediately stormed up to me in the courtyard when the school began to whisper of why Levi stomped away angrily.

"Hanji!" She yelled walking up and getting in my face.

"I can explain!" I quickly said to ease her.

"Explain how you cheated and became the bigger asshole than he was!?" Sasha nearly screamed at me.

"No... It's his..." I convinced. "I'm not that type of girl!"

"What do you mean?" She looked into my pain expression. "What's going on?"

I bit my lip and sat down on the grass. Sasha sat down next to me and looked at me impatiently.

"I... Levi really was my other half." I whispered. "You know that as well as I do?"

She nodded. "Of course... You hadn't been that happy since your 11th birthday."

I gave a small smile of the quick memory. "I was over the moon for him... So, when I found out I was pregnant... Part of me was scared but the other was thrilled. I loved him Sasha, so damn much!"

She patted my back. "What happened?"

I gave a deep breath. "I knew Petra was with him in secret. It's high school Sasha, no relationship goes un-broadcasted." I said.

"You knew?" She looked at me really upset. "What did you think?"

"I... I knew I could have a baby with someone who didn't love me. I kept lying to myself, telling myself he'll move on and shit." I said looking down. "Bullshit."

Sasha looked at me and wiped so me if the tears away. "But... What about Erwin?"

"I couldn't raise a baby with Levi." I repeated. "The only way to get him out of my life... Was to lie." I explained.

Sasha's face lit up with shock. "You lied to him!?" Her voice was in disbelief.

"Erwin said he would do it... Because he knew how upset I was." I croaked out as the tears came flooding. "Mike and Nanaba played along too..."

Sasha looked at me and hugged me gently. "What about help with a baby? You lost it with Levi..."

"I can raise a baby on my own." I reassured her. "I'm not fragile and I have plans."

She looked horrified. "You're only 16! You need at least some help. Erwin's not going to play daddy forever! And Levi... What if he finds out!?"

"I'll be 17 in two months." I said. "If Levi finds out? He's done with me. I'm pretty sure he will never speak to me again."

"Question. Why did you pretend to be so sweet and crap if you knew you would come up with this plan?" Sasha asked.

"Easy." I said. "I needed to look convincing."

She shook her head. "Sometimes you sicken me." Sasha mumbled. "I can't believe you pieced out this entire act. I mean, you started to come up with this when you just found out... And what are you now?"

"6 months." I answered. "I'm very patient and stick to my gut."

"Hanji... Aren't you? Do you... Don't you feel guilty? Of any sort?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her a tad bit confused.

"About keeping a man from his baby?" Sasha questioned.

"Sash..." I started. "If Levi actually cared for the baby and I, I don't think he would still be out kissing her."

Sasha then realized what I meant by her facial expression. "You... You do have a point." She sighed. "Do you think you're ready for this? I mean- it's a tiny baby!"

I simply smiled. "Of course... Little Becka's going to be just fine." I reassured her.

Sasha smiled. "You chose a name?"

I nodded. "Yeah... Took me a bit but I fell in love with Becka Rose."

"What about her last name?" She asked. "What's it going to be?"

"Ackerman." I said without any thought. "It's going to be Ackerman.

Sasha looked at me surprised. "Are you sure?"

"Yes... I'm not going to take away Levi's name entirely. Plus... Becka's the only piece of Levi that I have left. And she's always going to be mine." I said. "Always."

"I still can't believe you're doing this." She said starting to stand up. "You're the craziest girl I've ever met."

I looked at her. "You can bet on that." I smiled and struggled to stand up. "Little help?"

Sasha snorted and helped me stand up. "My gosh..." I couldn't help me glare.

"That's not funny..." I looked at her with a hand on my swollen abdomen. "Not easy you know."

She laughed. "I'm sorry it's funny!"

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I swear... If I wasn't heavily pregnant I would knock your teeth out of your jaw and snap your neck in half."

"Calm down, your hormones are practically flying out of your mouth." She said looking at me sly.

I pinched her nose tightly until she yelped. "Ow!" Sasha screamed. "That hurt!"

I snickered at her. "That's what you get."

She glared back at me and rolled her eyes. "Geez... You have a lot of problems."

"Don't worry I'll give birth to one of them in about 3 months." I said looking back at her. "The rest are for you to deal with.

She laughed forcefully. "Very funny." Sasha said smirking at me. "Come on.. Let's get things sorted out with the other's."

((Authors note!

Hello everyone! Finally I have updated! I'm sorry for the wait! Thank you so much for the support!

So as soon as this story is over I shall be uploading a completed story!! If you've seen my post on the Levihan author collab than you know what I'm talking about!

So I'm working on a long and detailed fic just for y'all!

Love you guys!


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