Chapter 6: Training Wheels

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Chapter 6: Training Wheels

(Levi's POV)

I screwed up badly. She ran out crying, because of me. Petra stood beside me, looking confused.

"Why was she even here in the first place?" She asked me, placing her hands on her hips.

"She got kicked out of her house. Her dad wasn't impressed, & he hates my guts so..." I answered trying not to give too much information.

"Really? She doesn't have like... Family to live with?" Petra asked.

"I know her sister is struggling with a divorce. Hanji's mom died long time ago, so she doesn't have that much options. Plus I'm trying to stay on her good side." I explained, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well you screwed that last part up, now didn't you?" She said rolling her eyes.

"I think you did that. You were slightly rude." I said.

"Oh put the blame on me! You're the one that got her knocked up & ran away, you fucking coward." Petra snapped at me.

"You're choosing to stay with me you petty little daughter of a whore." I said back.

She looked up at me, highly offended. Petra started to cry softly.

"T-That's so mean!!" She chocked between a sob. "Why would you say that!?"

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry." I tried to reason with her. "Please... I didn't mean it."

"I can't believe you're gonna kiss your child with that mouth!" She yelled back at me. "It's over!!"

"Wait- I'm sorry! I'm just frustrated, I love you!" I yelled back at her.

She ignored me & started to walk away, she flipped the door open & slammed it shut. Petra went into her car & started it quickly. Driving away in a breeze.

I sighed & felt a pit in my stomach.

"Hanji would've appreciated my humor... Why do I suddenly miss her?" I asked myself.

(Hanji's POV)

I couldn't believe it! Not only was I going to be a single teen mother, but I was going to be one with an ex boyfriend who hates my guts. This sucked, pure & simple.

I had a massive headache. It hurt so much. His words echoed in my head for what felt like centuries. I was a complete loser, a lost loser.

I was going to school tomorrow & was going to get laughed at. I knew I was showing, & I knew that people would call me a straight up whore.

But I couldn't stop loving him, he was special to me. I was pregnant with his child for god sakes. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't just cast a love spell & have him fall into my arms.

But I have to continue on, at least I know Sasha, Mikasa, & Armin support me. But I can't speak for the others. My teachers might not like me anymore. I wouldn't like myself anymore...

I started to break down crying. I was sitting on the grass in the small forest that could be easily followed to my house. I had walked a distance from Levi's so he wouldn't see me.

I kept crying for what felt like hours, until something stopped me in my fit of tears.

The baby. It started to move. It surprised me, & I sniffled, wiping my tears away. I held my breath as the movement continued. I sighed & held my mouth open.

"H-Hello..?" I said looking down, resting my palm on the area where the child was moving.

"I'm so sorry baby... I'm probably the worst mother out there..." I mumbled quietly.

"But I love you... Whoever you are. I'll always take care of you... No matter what." I sighed & closed my eyes, allowing the remaining tears to softly fall off my face. When the motion stopped, I brought myself up & started to walk. Sasha's house wasn't too far from where I was.

When I got there, I knocked on the door softly. Sasha answered, while holding a piece of bread in her mouth. She took the piece & swallowed it whole.

"Hey Zoe bear." She said smiling like a weirdo.

"Hey... I got in a bad fight with Levi. Can we hang out for a bit?"

"Oh hell naw! That little punk is gonna get it hard!" She yelled walking forward. "Get in the car! I've got some yelling to do!"

"Sasha! You can't just beat up people with their consent!" I yelled back at her.

"Fine! I'm going alone!" She said putting the key in.

"Ok! Fine I'll go!" I said getting in quickly. "Just don't kill him please!

"I make no promises!" Sasha said driving quickly to him.

After a long drive that was shortened by her anger. They both made it, Sasha jumped out the door & ran up to his front door. Knocking aggressively.


(Levi's POV)

I looked up from watching television, to fear loud banging from the door. I sighed & grunted.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I yelled opening.

There was a girl with straight reddish brown hair & bright brown eyes. She looked like Hanji, expect with paler skin & a different face shape.

"How dare you hurt my cousin you piece of donkey shit! I will break every bone in your body! Don't you understand that you can't just hurt someone! I swear I will knock you out in PAIN!!!!" The girl yelled in my face.

"Sasha! Stop!" Hanji yelled behind her.

"Hanji? What's going on?" I asked a bit confused.

"I'll tell you what's gonna happen! You will respect her! Or else I will set you on fire & throw you into a hole with gasoline! Abdacnhffnlyeqxvnhrzcvg!!!!!"She was telling in frustration.

"Hehe... Cousin's right?" Hanji said embarrassed. "Sorry..."

"And somehow you're the one one with the raging hormones." I joked to Hanji. She laughed.

"Excuse me!?? What's that supposed to mean!??!" Sasha yelled.

"Nothing!" We both said at the same time.

"Ok sly dog!" She said crossing her arms. "I'm gonna watch you... Carefully. But if you hurt my cousin, I will punt you!"

"Ok... Can me & Hanji talk in private?" I asked.

"Yeah! I gotta go home anyway. We're having baked potatoes tonight! Later haters!" She said running back to her car.

"She's kinda weird." I said crossing my arms.

"Yeah... She is." Hanji hummed.

"Must be genetic." I said smirking at her.

"At least I'm not genetically a little bitch like you!" She snapped back.

I took her to bed. She fell asleep immediately. Tomorrow would be interested. But something was starting to get better.

Maybe we can work?

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