Chapter 2: Runaway

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Chapter 2: Runaway

((Hanji's P.O.V))

It was so cold in my house. I felt a throbbing headache approaching, I guess it appeared after all of that yelling. I looked down & felt light headed, well... More like fearful. I know my dad is not going to be happy, he didn't even like Levi that much! He was going to whoop my sorry ass when he would find out. My sister was already living at the house, she had just gotten a divorce, so she was stuck with her two kids, penniless.

I already knew he would use her to blame that fact that I was with child. Unlike the first Christmas when it said "Mary was with Joseph being great with child" I wasn't "great with child" more like idiotic with child.

It took me all my strength not to throw my phone out the window. I was still trying to hold my love for him strongly, while also not trying to hate his guts. I sighed & rubbed my forehead in annoyance, I laid on the couch curling up in a fleece blanket. I unhooked my choker & closed my eyes, breathing quietly.

I started to fall into my sleep, before being woken up by yelling from upstairs. Just fantastic! My sister's good for nothing ex husband was here & he was probably high on something. So I guess there would be no sleep for me tonight. I'd just take my niece & nephew upstairs & read them bedtime stories until they get so tired that they sleep, even with their parents yelling & throwing glass objects at each other (last time it was a vase, dad got really mad) , until one of them left the house. I sighed as I heard the whimpers upstairs. It looks like Alexander & Valeria were awake. I really hated that they had to live with their parents issues. As much as I loved my sister, Penny, I cannot understand how she could have fallen for such a low life. Alex was only 6 & Valeria was 4, they were adorable & I loved taking care of them. I started to walk upstairs to get them, until my sis & Phil busted through the door screaming at each other.

"Why do I have to pay for those brats!? I didn't even want them in the first place!" He yelled in her face, tightening his grip on the bottle of whiskey he was holding.

Penny looked up at him heartbroken, tears were falling down her face.

"Why can't you just be their dad like you used to!! Phil I don't even know what has happened to you!! To answer your question, I need to money because we have children to feed!!!" She was screaming now, he didn't even give a shit.

I peeked in on the dining room where they were fighting, just to see if he had his hands on Penny, it hasn't happened yet, but I still want to be prepared. It started to cry suddenly, it just hurt to see my sis in so much pain. Phil looked back at me, with a menacing glare.

"Kid! Move along! This ain't none of your business!" He yelled, I wanted to sink my fist into his face so bad.

"Leave her alone! She lives in this house too!" Penny yelled, crossing her arms & pinching her lips together tightly.

"The babies are crying..." I muttered, trying not to upset Phil into hurting me.

"Does it look like I care?!" He yelled at me.

Penny had enough, she was so red faced, it looked like a firetruck. She slapped him right across the face. He dropped his bottle & the glass shattered everywhere.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID YOU LITTLE-" He was cut off when I punched him right in the gut. Phil looked surprised when I glared at him, hot tears of anger started to form around my eyes. He grabbed my hand & held me to his level, since he was taller than me. I started to panic inside, not for my own sake, or not even for my sister's, but for my baby, Levi's baby. Boy I wish he was here now, he would protect me & knock this guy in the middle of next week. He started to shake me, yelling at me. I felt limp & numb. This was it, it was the end for me. At least he knew... Before I was gone.

Suddenly the door busted open, it was my dad. Typically he was a nice guy, & he loved me & my sister very much. He was there for us when our mom passed away from a car accident when we were little. But now he was mad, & he had a gun. Phil looked taken back, but he still had his hands on me.

"Hey!! Take your filthy hands off my girls!!" He yelled.

Phil dropped me into the glass on the floor. The glass pieces cut my thighs, I could already see the blood stains on my white pleated skirt. Dad rushed up to him & knocked him out unconscious. Penny pulled out her cell phone & dialed 911, I was still bleeding. It hurt so bad. Dad picked me up & held me close to him, carrying me princess style.

"D-Daddy..." I asked weakly.

"Yes baby?" He said pulling my hair away from my tear stained cheeks.

"I-I... I'm so sorry." I tried telling him, but something felt so wrong about it.

"This isn't your fault. You'll never have to see him ever again." He reprimanded me.

"No... It's not about this." I quickly said while coughing.

"Then what is it about?" He asked gently. "You can tell me."

"You'll be mad at me... Forever & ever." I said quietly, starting to tear up.

"Are you planning on running off with Levi to get married?" He said a bit jokingly.

"No. Worse..." I said embarrassed.

"Did you have sex with him?" He said closing his eyes. "Because even then, I'm still not mad at you. Am I warmer?"

"You're just about boiling." I said, getting ready to be yelled at.

"Don't tell me you're pregnant." Dad said to me.

I nodded slowly, I could already see him started to get angry. He set me down gently & stood in front of me like a tall stallion.

"I am so disappointed in you Zoe." He said crossing his arms. "You really screwed up this time."

I nodded, starting to feel tears coming. It was honestly terrifying to see him so mad. But I knew I deserved every minute of it. I felt my body start to shake.

"If you're going to act like an adult, you will be treated like one. That means you'll find your own place. You got me?"

I sighed & felt my mouth started to ache. Everything hurt on me. Luckily the glass didn't get stuck inside my skin, but it did cut, & it did hurt.

I walked up carefully, going to the front door. I opened it, shutting it gently. I felt so weak & so bad, I didn't even know where to go. I was on my own. But I finally decided that it would be best...

To go to Levi's house.

So I started to walk. It would take about 5 minutes, but with the back of my thighs being cut open, it might take longer.

It did...

When I finally made it, I went up to his door & knocked on it gently. My hand was bruised from punching Phil. After a minute he opened the door, his eyes were a bit wide from seeing me.

"Hanji! What happened to your face!? It's bruised, & you have a black eye!" He yelled, cupping his hands around my face gently.

"D-Dad... Kicked me out of the house..." I muttered somberly.

"Did he do this to you!?" Levi yelled looking into my eyes with pity.

"No... Phil... My sister's ex. H-He was drunk..." I said wincing. "I need a home... C-Could.. You please, if it wouldn't be that much trouble. I'll pay rent & get my own foo-"

"You're staying. That's it." He said looking at my skirt. "Is that blood your's!?"

I nodded turning around to reveal the wounds on the back of my thighs. He took out a handkerchief & started to dab the wounds gently. I winced a little, but at least he cared.

"Don't worry. You're safe with me. Let's get inside before my uncle finds out." He mumbles leading me inside.

So this was it... My new life had just begun.

((Oh my god I'm sorry for all the oc's. I just thought it would add family & even more drama. Oh boy the drama! Yeah I know I'm a terrible person to Hanji, but she'll get her happy ending, maybe.... Hue hue hue. Yeah so I'll add Erwin, Mike, Nanabana, & Petra into ze next chapter. Which will be a school scene. You'll also see the 104 sqaddo.


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