Chapter 1: Expensive Promises

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Chapter 1: Expensive Promises

I pulled into her driveway tired, my skin was sunken in my eyebags. All I wanted was sleep, but she sounded desperate on the phone. I saw her standing on the front porch, smiling in the evening sky, giving a small wave. I sighed & bit my lip, this was it... I had to tell her on behalf of me & Petra. I sighed & walked up to her, which she returned a smile.

"You asked first, so I'll let you go ahead & spill." Hanji said waiting.

"Ok... " My mouth was so dry, I couldn't speak as well as I thought I could. I've been practicing this speech for awhile in the mirror. Hanji was such a sensitive girl, I could already hear her crying her eyes out. I felt a bad feeling in my gut when I saw her big brown eyes. I needed to tell her the truth. Besides, young highschool love isn't supposed to last. So... What could go wrong? She was a nice sweet, a little bit annoying, but overall a positive girl. Hanji would definitely find someone.

"I wanna break up Hanj." I started, I could already see the shock & sadness in her eyes. "It's just, I think we should be more open to other people, so... I'm sorry. But thank you for everything you've gave me. I hope we can still be friends."

She started to tear up, some of her messy chestnut & baby pink locks covering part of her face. Hanji looked at me desperate for words.

"B-But.. I can't date other guys..." She said with a whimper in her voice.

"Oh, of course you can. You're honestly very special. All you have to do is just let go." I said trying to make her happy. I was bad at trying to make someone smile, but I had to cheer her up.

"No seriously! I can't! You don't understand!" Hanji was yelling at me now, I could already see the tears going down her cheeks.

"Hanji! Just try! I'm definitely not the best fish in the fucking sea! There's plenty of people at Rose High." I was yelling back at her, I was getting annoyed now. She was being over dramatic I thought.

"L-Levi..." Hanji said in a sob. "Please don't leave me..."

"Hanj... Why can't you just leave me be..?" I asked. I started to feel very bad. I hated it when she cried, it was like one of those stupid tragic love stories. She cried like that.

"I-I'm..." She started, she started to cry again.

"You're...?" I helped her a bit.

"Ok..." Hanji said with a sigh. "Well... Do you remember on my birthday? When we...?" She tried to get me to pick up on what she was saying, because she didn't want to repeat such a private event. It was the first time we had ever... Well I'll let your dirty minds fill in the blank.

"Again Hanji, I know that must've felt good or whatever, but you can't just give up your ability to find other guys-"

"I'm pregnant!" She yelled at me, her was red faced & angered. Her eyes were puffy & Hanji's hair was a mess. "God! Why can't you just let me finish!"

I looked at her dumbfounded & at a loss of words. My face went pale as I just stared at her confused & utterly shocked. My throat was even more dry, I felt a headache coming. She looked down, her hands clenching in a fist. A sigh escaped from me.

"Hanj... Are you sure?" I asked, grabbing her hand tightly. She looked up & nodded, pulling off her glasses. "But... are you 100 percent sure?"

Hanji looked back at me with those same brown eyes, except that she was angered. She pulled her hand away from me.

"Get out." She muttered, completely pissed off.

"But-" I tried, only to be cut off by her.

"I said get out!" Hanji yelled at me louder, she opened her front door & started to walk in. I tried to grab her but it was too late. She slammed the door shut loudly. I grabbed the knob only to be met with the loud clicking of the lock. I sighed & felt a lump in my throat as I banged on the door loudly.

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