***end of flashback.”***

And that’s how we all ended up in the kitchen full of flour and egg and other ingredients that we used for the cake.

“Is it ready yet?”Teagan asked for the tenth time in the last fifteen minutes,

“Not yet.”Cole said dryly.

We were sitting on the counter watching the cake that we had mixed baking, actually this was like the fifth cake we had mixed and hadn’t ruined or eaten, we were about seventy percent sure it was all the ingredients and nothing was eaten, licked of fell out of the bowl.

“Oh Lord!” A loud female voice came from the entrance of the kitchen, “What have you done here?”  She said in a thick Italian accent. She had the look of pure horror on her face.

“Oops.”Teagan said to Isabella, who was her nanny.

“Teagan. Oh my.” Isabella said again, and then she mumbled a few words that were incoherent to us and scooped Teagan up.

“Where are you taking me?” Teagan asked her.

“To get you cleaned up.”

“No!”Teagan shouted, “I want to watch the cake! Cole, I want to watch the cake.” she said crying, Coles face went soft, and he turned to Isabella who had stopped dragging Teagan out at the mention of his name, Coles face turned hard, he looked at Isabella with such hate that I was actually feeling sorry for he, his ice blue eyes turned cold.

“Put her down, I will see to her. You are dismissed.” he said with such authority that I could see her crumble.

“Yes Mister Cole.” Isabella said quietly and gently put Teagan down, who ran into Coles out stretched arms.

As Isabella left the timer for the cake buzzed indicating that is was ready to take out.

“Yippee!! Its ready!” shouted excitedly, the tears from earlier completely forgotten.

“Scar get it out!”She said again, jumping around, Cole’s face softened as he watched, I guess he really enjoyed seeing his sister happy.

I got the oven mitts and opened the oven, but not before telling Teagan to stay back because the oven was hot and I didn’t want her getting burnt. I took the cake out and Teagan watched in amazement as I set the cake down on the counter.

“It has to cool first before we put on the icing sweetheart, let’s go clean ourselves up so long.”

“Okay Scar.” She said without hesitation, which I was thankful for because I wouldn’t get off as easily as Isabella had.

Teagan and I went to clean ourselves, while Cole got one of the housekeepers to clean up the mess in the kitchen and get the icing stuff ready. Once we were done we made our way down to meet Cole, who had also cleaned himself up and was looking really good, like so good I seriously wanted to jump him, but thought better of it. His hair was still wet from the shower and he had on a white t-shirt that hugged his muscles and dark blue jeans, it was a regular Cole outfit but he made it look so good that it felt like I was seeing his sexiness all over again.

Lust, I lusted over him and he was all mine.

Cole winked at me when our eyes met and I'm sure he knew what I was thinking because the same look of lust crossed his face before he looked down at his sister and gave a warm smile.

“Let’s go ice that cake.”

We all walked into the kitchen where all the stuff we needed, like the icing for the cake and the three icing spatulas were laid out for us and the cake was taken out of the tin.

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