Chapter 13

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"That would be a bad idea. So far Hades doesn't know you exist. If Gods start popping up with restored powers he will hunt you down. Please do not talk about this to anyone. No one must know about it. I have to go now we will see each other soon."

"Wait!!" She started to fade, "What do I do about mind readers? Anya will know everything."

"Then she too must keep it secret. No one can know other than your frend Anya. Goodbye for now I will come back. Please be safe." with that she left. I drifted into a deeper sleep as if noting happened.


Thea's POV

I woke up to someone knocking at my door. I slowly rolled out of bed and went to the door opening it just a crack so they didn't see me in my pajamas.

"Good morning Thea." Isabel was smileing.

"Oh a good morning just give me a second to get dressed." I closed the door and changed in to shorts and a t-shirt with a unicorn on it. When I stepped out she slightly chuckled at my shirt I was assuming. "What's up?"

"Just wanted to see if you would like to start some training because I'm free this morning." she paused. I thought about what Demeter had said. How I needed to keep things a secret and stay low. Some how I don't think training was going to do either of those things. However she did say she needed my help and if I train I might be able to help her better and hopefully see my mom again.

"Sure, but can we eat first I'm kinda hungry?" she laughed.

"Of course and I know you need coffee." she winked. I felt I was starting to belong even though its a little odd here.

Everyone seemed to be talking about something interesting because I could hear them down the hall loudly arguing about something. Isabel and I got to the dinning room and it had yet another wonderful buffet but that wasn't the best part of the room. That honor went to a whiteish blond shepherd mix of some sort that everyone was fighting over. She was absolutely beautiful, almost majestic. She looked at me and walked toward me leaving everyone who was fawning over her behind. She stood in from of me and then sat down leaning her head into me wanting me to pet her. I could not refuse she looked so soft and kind.

"She likes you. Do you want to name her?" Name her? What if she belongs to someone else? Some family that lost their beloved family member.

"She wants to stay she likes it here there are so many people to pet her." Isabel said reminding me that she can talk with animals being part fairy and all.

"Well in that case I guess I'll name her Sasha." The shepherd shook her head as to tell me she didn't like it. "What about Penelope?" she shook her head. "What do you want to be called?"

Isabel looked at me "She said she wants to be called Jynxie."

"Okay Jynxie, well I'm Thea." I held out my hand and she lifted her paw and we shook. I had to laugh a little because it was weird introducing myself to a dog properly. "Let's go eat I'm starving."

I got my plate and filled it with eggs, bacon and sausage. Grabbing my coffee I continued back and sat next to Danny who was talking about a new movie that's was coming out and he wanted to see it. Jynxie sat behind me poking her noes in my side. I slipped her a piece of bacon and then another poke so I gave her a piece of sasuage. She poked me again and I looked back at her. She had a tiny frame for a dog so a little more won't hurt her. "Your a terrible begger and I hope you don't have allergies," I tossed her a few pieces of both and added some eggs.

"What is that?" Clair's harsh tone surprised me.

"This is Jynxie, can she stay? Please it will be nice to have some company when you guys are on trips." I pleaded.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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