Chapter 11

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Clearing his throat, "Yea good idea I've got to fix the bathroom. Oh.... Ah but not at the same time of course I need supplies first." he started fumbling over his words. He ran his hand through his hair "Promise me one thing tho. Don't sing. I don't think I could be gentle the second time around."

"That was gentle?" I chuckled. "But yea I promise. I want to talk to Clair about it so we may have to put it to the test sometime sooner or later." The thought of him not being gentle made me feel a little heated. I started walking away and shouted back "COME TO DINER TONIGHT!" and all he did was nod. So I continued into the house to resume my shower.


Thea's POV

I nervously waited for Clair to come back hoping that after she hears what happen she doesn't go crazy on Blake it wasn't really his fault. Yea I know he is hiding something but I don't know what and quite frankly I would like to leave it that way he seems more normal than the rest of them. Grumpy and a loner but normal. No offense to the rest of them I just need some small amount of normalcy in my life. It was 8pm already and I hadn't gotten any messages or calls from them. Im sure its normal for them so I continued to stir my coffee. Dinner was going to start soon although I don't know who cooks it seeing as I've never been around for the preporation. "Its decided then I'm going to the kitchen," I said out loud as if it would give me some motivation to move away with my coffee.

I walk past all the tables in the dinning area and I could smell spaghetti sauce and garlic bread. Instantly my mouth watered. I walked thought the double doors that swung back and forward till the creacking stoped and the doors were still. "LASAGNA!" I just could not contain my excitement I love lasagna. All the meat, cheese, and did I mention meat. Empty pans started falling from the air, smacking the floor shortly after I shouted. I looked up and saw Anya in an apron on a ladder.

"You scared the crap out of me," showing her attitude as she clung to the ladder.

"Sorry it just smelled so good and I love lasagna. You cook? Huh.." I rambled on.

"Yes I cook. We all cook actually, but tonight I'm just helping." she sneered at me and I knew what I said offended her. "Tonight is Blakes turn to cook and he chose lasagna. And I'm just helping him with his dishes."

"My dishes! Please! Those were yours from this morning! Don't try to paint me as a slob. I actually am a cleanly cook thank you." He walked in thought another door with 2 trays of garlic bread. He set them down smirking at me, "What no comment on a man in the kitchen?"

"As long as I don't have to cook I'm ok." I replied holding my hands up in surrender. "Plus it smells delicious and if I offend you I probably won't get any."

"Very smart." he looked away and walked to the oven and I dove for a piece of bread still in the pan. Luckly it wasn't too hot to hold but that didn't help when Blake snapped his head at me.

"That's not done it still needs cheese on top. But no matter. How does it tastes?"

"Like your gonna... need to make more....cuz I may just eat.... this whole tray...... Possibly the other as well...." Licking my fingers in between my words then pointing the the next tray that has yet to be touched.

"Well atlease wait till I'm actually done with them." He actually sounded light hearted and not so brooding. Hopefully he is opening up a smidge more. I like him and I won't lie I definitely feel something toward him. Hormones be damned. Shit.

'Anya please don't say anything I know your listening' and she giggled making me feel embarrassed.

"There you all are. Oooo that smells soo good." Clair walks through the double doors causing them to creek like before. "The army is starving... And whinny. This shall shut them up well." she laughed rubbing her tempals. "So how did your day go?" gestering to all of us.

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