Chapter 5

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I was lifted in the air like a feather, all 145lbs of me. He carried me bridal style down the stairs trying not to hit anything on the way down.  I turned a looked up at him I felt like a small child in his arms and I must have looked like one to he was about 6’4 and I was only 5’1.  He climbed into this van setting me down in the far back seat to stretch out. “You need to rest.” Was all he said his voice was deep but nurturing. He turned to find his seat belt.

I tilted my head up and he looked back and glared at me, “Who are you?”

“I’m Blake now please get some rest.” I didn’t want to anger him anymore, so I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths hoping sleep would take me.


My eyes began to flutter when I woke up it was pitch black. I rubbed my eyes and started walking to my door. “Uuff.. What the hell?” I started searching for the door knob and couldn’t find it. Where am I? This isn’t my bedroom. “HELLO, WILL SOMEONE HELP ME? HELLLLOOOO?” I prayed last night was all just a big nightmare and a violent one at that.

“Hey you guys she up!!!” I heard a voice call. The door opened and she flipped the switches. “Hey what’s up I’m Isabel, and you must be the newbie?”

“Hi, this is all great and all but I was almost murdered, I was crushed twice, and kidnapped. So will someone fill me in here cuz I want to go home and never come back.” Usually I was much nicer than this but given my circumstances I wasn’t doing too badly.

“Gezzz Isabel what did you do to her she was docile and now she’s not?” I heard a man from down the hall coming our way.

“Plug it mister! I’m not the one who scarred the ever livin’ piss outta the girl.. Y'all need to chill out when you go on your trips..” I was liking this girl already she reminded me a lot of Tara… Oh shit.

“What time is it; where am I, and when do I get to leave?” I demanded answers and frantically looking for my phone.

“Whoa there pony-“ he started.

“You call me pony again and I'll pull your testicals out of your throat!” I pointed and scowled him.

“Um.. I’m ganna just walk away and let the ladies handle this.” He ducked away trying to protect his precious jewels.

“Good Morning Thea, I’m Clair Freesia. We met last night. How are you feeling?” She was dressed in jeans and a ¾ sleeve shirt. She had blonde hair with high and low lights she appeared to be in her early maybe mid 30’s.

“My chest hurts, my head hurts, I need a shower, and I have to pee. Can I get any of these things taken care of?” I asked trying not to sound like a bitch but I failed. “And I’m sorry Isabel I didn’t mean to be like that it’s just… today isn’t a.. um.. good or normal day. It was nice meeting you.”

“No problem and you too, see you for dinner.” she called after me.

“Dinner?! What time is it? Oh shit I was suppose to meet the girls tonight they—“ she stopped me mid sentence.

“Calm down everything’s going to be fine, let’s get some things taken care of and then worry later.” We walked through the hall silently. We came to a stop, “This is our spare bathroom,” We walked into a large room with robes hanging up and a fresh bin of towels. “First things first the medicine cabinet, what you need for your head ache is in there. Your cloths are over there on the chair. We have hot water most the time so I suggest taking warm ones, they will last longer. Also if you need anything, just go back the way we came and I’ll be in that room.” She started to walk away.

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