Chapter 8

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"LET GO OF ME!!" I screeched at him and he let me go immediately causing me to fall to the floor. Why that memory? I went through it once already I should never have to do it again. It's like it happened 3 minuets ago my tears were already soaking my shirt and my throat was closed off, every movement to swallow was painful and slow.

"Thea. Please look at me." Blake was on the floor with me his hand was on my cheek and the other was holding my hand. He removed his hand and wiped my tears and then placed it on part of the claw mark. The mark began to fade to nothing just normal undamaged skin. " Thea you can heal people."


This can't be happening. I laid in bed just wishing I could fall unconscious.


"You can open it!" I wasn't about to get out of bed, as of right now every part of my body ached from stress.

"It's just me." Chris opened the door and as soon as I saw his face I knew what he was going to say.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know, and had I, I would have never done it. I'm sorry I made you go through it again. Usually it's controllable but your emotions were at an all time high and my mind picked the highest stressor." I could see pity and remorse all over his face and in his body language.

"Does everyone have a gift?" If I was going to stay here I need to know whose reading my mind, playing with my past, or even making my soup.

"Yes, it makes our job easier. I actually was the one who found out about you. We were on one of our 'trips' when I saw John take you in one of my episodes. So I got our team together and we went to Cloud 9 to watch you and make sure he wasn't near."

"Who was all there?" I felt a little embarrased knowing that some of them were there watching me.

"Well.. Clair, Blake, Daniel, Matt, and I. We followed you guys till you were at the apartment and we came up. Then you know the rest." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Actually I don't know what happened that night. It's kind of just a blur. I remember you guys at the door, being crushed by something, and seeing John get his head removed. Why exactly was his head removed?" The image sent shivers down my spine.

"Well it's the only way to kill a shifter. You could hurt them with silver but to kill them you have to take their head off."

"So that's why you guys had swords." Oooh, well know I know why they didn't bring a gun to a gun fight. "And it's ok really, I'm just trying to understand how or maybe even why this is happening. I don't see how I could be a phoenix it makes no sense."

"It will be a while before you figure it out but until then I hope you stay with us." I looked at him knowing he meant what he said. I like it here, yea it's kind of crazy, and people have powers, but how bad could it be.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast, and thank you for helping me." I was thankful, confused but still thankful.

"No problem I'll see you tomorrow." We said our goodnights and then he walked.

I laid there for a moment wondering what I could do with my new found ability. What can I heal? Can I cure cancer or Alzheimer's with my tears? How much is needed to heal someone? Will Clair take me on their 'trips'? Most likely not, I don't even know how to fight, and my ability can't hurt anyone. What about Tara and Eva, shouldn't I want to see them? They have been my friends for 3 years now and I haven't called them to tell them I'm ok. What about my apartment? It's my home but at the same time I don't want to go back to it. My thoughts ran rampantly thru my mind.

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