Chapter 1 A Normal Life

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My name is Omar James; I'm twelve years old, and my life kind of sucks.

My family is financially unstable. So to help out I got a paper route. But one day, something big happened.

It was a normal Wednesday morning, and I had to get to work on time. I pedaled my bike harder and harder, gaining momentum and speed as I went. Everything was going great! Or so I thought.

Today, I was riding through the Forest of Tranquility since I had found this cool shortcut to the first house through a large grove of trees. But then, as I was speeding by, I saw something glinting in the light.

'Looks like something valuable,' I thought to myself. 'I can still make it on time, so I can still check it out.' I stopped my bike and inched to the object.

'It looks like an amulet', I thought. As soon as I grabbed it, armed skeleton warriors ambushed me from the trees and bushes. "Ahh!" I shouted.

"You're surrounded, young one", an eerie voice said. All of a sudden, a four-armed skeleton emerged from the front lines. "We will take you as a ransom now."

"You're not taking me anywhere!" I shouted back. The four-armed skeleton laughed creepily then threw four daggers from his bony hands. I dodged them with ease.

"Ha!" I laughed, "Is that all you've got?" He then pointed behind me. He had hit a dead tree. I was petrified as the giant tree fell on top of me.

I felt lightheaded. I knew I was about to pass out, when I saw an old man with a staff in his hand battling the skeletons.

He rushed over to me as they were retreating, but it was too late. I was out cold.

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