"Let's go meet up with the rest." Normani said, passing me the lens bag and I took it, slinging it over my shoulder. I nodded and followed her out of the room. "This is Ally, she's in wardrobe and props and Lucy, who is doing lighting." Normani introduced. "Hi, I'm Lauren." I introduced to the two of them, shaking their hands too. Ally is about my shoulder height but she looks very friendly with her bright smile. While Lucy looks really cute but yet intimidating. She kept shooting me looks as we went to the company car to head to the venue for the photo shoot.

"So Lauren, how old are you?" Lucy asked as I was setting up the camera tripod. "I'm 21." I replied. "Cool, me too." She said. "How did you get this job?" I asked. "I'm actually also an intern." She answered. "Good to know, are you from New York?" I asked. "No, I'm from Florida, Miami to be exact." She said. "Oh cool! Me too." I replied and she smiled. "Alright ladies, stop the chit-chatting, the model is coming in soon." Normani said. "Okay, Mani." Lucy replied. The model came in and fuck, she was beautiful. "Ms Keana, this is Lauren and Lucy, my interns." Normani introduced. "Hi, I'm Keana." She said, shaking Lucy's and I's hand. "Hi." I replied, smiling at her. "Shall we begin, Ms Keana?" Normani asked. "Sure." She replied and walked over to her position.

"Let's take a break." Normani said and Ally came out with a coat for Keana. "I have pizza delivering in 10 minutes for everyone!" Keana said and everyone cheered. She looked at me and I smiled when she walked up to me. "Lauren right?" She asked. "Yes, Ms Keana." I replied, blushing a little. "Relax, just call me Keana." She said. "Okay." I replied. "I've never seen you before with Normani." She said. "Yea, I just started my internship today." I replied, scratching the back of my neck nervously. "Relax Lauren, I don't bite." She said, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Yeah." I replied.

"Thanks for the pizza Keana." I said, offering a slice to her. "No thanks, I went on a diet for this photo shoot, don't want that to go to waste." She replied. "A slice won't hurt, you look beautiful anyways." I said. "Okay then." She replied, taking the pizza. I took another slice for myself and took a bite. "Is it good?" She asked. "Yeah, you can never go wrong with pizza." I replied.


"So are we heading for the runway gig now?" I asked as we dropped off Ally and Lucy at the company. "Yea, but we'll grab dinner first if you don't mind." Normani said. "Sure." I replied and she drove off. I looked down at my phone to see a message from my mom and another from Keana. She asked for my number before she left so I decided to give it to her. I opened up mom's message first and she was asking if it was convenient to call now. "Mind if I call someone?" I asked. "No, go ahead." Normani replied and I dialled my mother's number.

"Hi mija, how was the first day of work?"

"Hey, erm, I'm still in the middle of work but it's been great so far."

"Okay then, have you eaten dinner?"

"Not yet but I'm about to."

"I'll let you continue your work then."


"I love you mija, bye."

I looked over at Normani who had her eyes on the road. "Bye Mom, love you too." I whispered then ended the call. "That's your mother?" Normani asked. "Yeah, she likes to check up on me since I moved to New York." I replied. "Where are you from exactly?" She asked. "Miami, Florida." I replied and she nodded. "You're from New York?" I asked. "Born in Houston, Texas but moved to New York when I was 3." She said. "Cool, I've spent my entire life in Miami but just moved here two weeks ago." I replied. "Do you have any siblings?" She asked. "A younger brother and sister, what about you?" I asked. "Single child." She said. "Cool." I replied.

We had a quick meal and headed to the runway gig. "It might seem boring but look the part, the designer is watching the runway and we might get a bad rep." Normani warned. "Okay." I replied, looking at my camera and adjusting the white balance and such. "Remember, just take a picture however you like and we'll see how it goes." She said and I nodded.

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