"Damn, she's got a nasty punch," he spat.

Jarrod smiled, clearly amused by all of this.

"Marni, look out!" Ren cried.

It was too late though, Caleb came back and punched me in the stomach. I fell down clutching my stomach and looked up to see that they were going after Ren now.

"Ren!" I stood up, but stumbled a little. "Shit," I said frustrated.

I looked up surprised to see that Ren had taken them on. Jarrod was still standing to the side watching amused. I decided I'd watch what Ren could do. I wouldn't let her do all the work though, that would be boring.

Caleb went towards her, almost punching her, but Ren dodged and kneed him in the crotch. I guess that's her special move, kneeing guys in the balls. I heard Jarrod snicker at Caleb. The other guy lunged and Ren and she grabbed a hold of his arm and twisted it back and he yelped out in pain. She pushed his arm down more and he finally gave up and fell grabbing onto his arm. Caleb stood up again and went towards her again. I stopped him by sending him flying again. What? It was fun.

"Good job Ren!" I congratulated her.

"Thanks. That was scary, but exciting," she said dazed.

I heard someone clap. It was Jarrod. He walked slowly towards us. I narrowed my eyes at him, getting ready to send him flying too.

"My, my. I've never met a witch that could physically fight like you," he stated.

"Well, I try not to rely on magic," I shrugged.

"I've noticed," he cracked his knuckles. "Unfortunately, I'm afraid I'll have to eliminate you."

"Who the hell says eliminate anymore?" I laughed.

He narrowed his eyes and lunged at me. I got ready to punch him, but he grabbed onto my arm and swung me away and went for Ren. I had to do something quick. I moved my hand towards the water and brought it towards Jarrod pushing him away. God, I hoped no one saw that. Matt would kill me of they did. Jarrod was soaking wet now. I laughed. Someone tapped my shoulders and I saw it was Caleb.

"Forgetting about me?" he asked.

"Course not Caleb boo!" I pinched his cheek. He slapped my hand away.

I pushed him away with the air again.

"QUIT DOING THAT!" he yelled frustrated.

"NO!" I yelled back.

I looked over and saw Ren running towards me. Jarrod was still trying to get out of the sand since the water and washed over his feet.

"God damn it!" he yelled.

"Let's run!" Ren yelled.

I looked around and saw that the people were far away to see us.

"Running's over rated," I rolled my eyes. "Let's fly."

I grabbed a hold of her arm and flew us into the sky. Ren started to squeal and grabbed onto me tighter. We made it to the car and I saw Matt leaning on the car tapping his foot impatiently.

"What took you guys so long?" he demanded more than asked.

"Well, we ran into some wolf friends," I stated

His eyes widened. "They were here?"

"No, we ran into animal wolves," I scoffed.

"Are you guys hurt?" he looked us over.

"I'm alright. Ren are you ok?" I asked her.

"I'm fine," she nodded.

"How many of them were there?" he asked.

"About 5," I said,

"And you took them on?" his eyebrows shot up.

"Nah, Ren helped me," I smiled proudly.

"Ren fought?" Matt asked shocked.

"Say what?" Justin stuck his head out of his window.

"Yup, Ren totally kicked their asses!" I hugged onto her.

She laughed. "It was scary, actually. I don't think I want to do that again."

"Aw c'mon. Live your life a little Ren!" I whined.

"By killing myself? No thanks," she shook her head.

"No, by being a ninja, young grasshopper," I said seriously.

"Alright, master Marni!" she clapped her hands together and bowed her head down.

"Alright, let's get home," Matt laughed.

"Yeah, they're coming again," I pointed towards Caleb and Jarrod.

We quickly hopped into the car and drove off. I rolled down my window and stuck my head out as we drove passed them.

"SUCKERS!" I screamed at them.

They both gave me a frustrated look and started to curse. Everyone in the car laughed.

It was almost 9 at night when we arrived home. Matt and Justin retreated to their rooms, so it was just Ren and I downstairs pigging out.

"So what do you want to do after this?"  I asked with a mouth full of ice cream.

"I'm just gonna shower and go to bed. I'm beat," Ren shrugged.

"Yeah, guess I'm gonna do the same. I'm probably going to facebook stalk people instead," I stuffed another spoon full of ice cream in my mouth.

"Really Marns? Facebook stalk?" she laughed.

"What? Don't tell me you don't do it," I said.

She just shrugged and continued eating. We placed our empty bowls in the sink after we were done and headed upstairs. I quickly showered and flopped onto my bed turning on my laptop.

It was now 1:30 in the morning. I shut down my laptop and yawned. I stretched and was about to turn off my lights when I heard tapping. I looked around my room wondering what it was, when I realized it was coming from my window. I walked over to it cautiously, and opened the curtains. I gasped. I quickly opened the window and helped him climb in.

"What happened to you?!" I asked him.

"They found out about me."



Who do you think it was at the end? Guess you'll find out soon :)


~Maggy :D

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