The Unkept Promise

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Stiles kissed Derek's cheek. "Come back safe."

You see, Derek and the pack was going on an extremely dangerous case. Apparently, there was an Alpha pack with a witch who joined. Everyone knew they were powerful.  Of course, Derek wouldn't let Stiles go because it's "too dangerous".

Derek smiled, "I promise you, Stiles, that I will come back. I'd never leave you."

Stiles played with the hem of Derek's shirt, stuffing his face in Derek's shirt as the pack soundlessly watched them. "I love you, DerBear."

"I love you, too, Stiles." Derek wrapped his arms around his mate. "With all my heart."

A tear fell down Stiles's cheek. "Just let me go, Derek."

"I said 'no', Stiles."

"Please," Stiles begged.

Derek had to look away from Stiles's face. "Don't make this any harder than it has to be."

Stiles sighed, "Whatever."

"We have to go now," Derek said.

"I love you," Stiles mumbled.

"Love you, too, baby." Derek pulled away. "I'll come back. I promise!"

Stiles sniffed, "Okay."


Stiles wandered around the pack house, bored. He was nervous, and kept wondering when the pack was going to come back. He knew Derek was going to. He promised.

Suddenly, the door slammed open. Erica walked in first, storming into the living room and sitting down. Scott walked beside Stiles, not daring to look him in the eye. Then Isaac, Boyd, Jackson, Lydia and Allison.

"Where's Derek?" Stiles questioned. "Is he still in the Camaro?"

Everyone was quiet, and Stiles swore he heard a cricket chirp.

"Guys? Where is Derek?" Stiles asked.

Still no one answered. Erica chewed on her red, painted fingernail while Boyd was sitting beside her. Isaac had a hand over his face, hiding tears. And the rest were just staring off into the distance.

"Where the fuck is Derek?!" Stiles shouted.

"He's dead!" Erica yelled.

Stiles froze. "No... No, he's not."

"He is," Isaac whispered.

"B-but he can't be," Stiles stuttered. "He promised me."

"Not everyone can keep promises, Stiles," Scott said.

Stiles shook his head. "This cannot be fucking happening. This cannot be--" He then ran out of the pack house to his jeep. He didn't want to cry in front of the pack.


It was a week since the... incident, and Stiles was in the worse condition. He never got out of bed, not even to go to school. Only when the bathroom was calling for him. He didn't eat, sleep, and talk. Nothing. His dad made him drink water everyday, and take his antidepressants. He even tried talking to him, but got nothing out of him.

Stiles was currently laying in bed, duh, staring at the ceiling. He longed for Derek's touch. He longed for Derek himself. And his voice. He reached for his phone, dialing Derek's phone number. He need to hear Derek's grumpy, but soothing voice. The phone call went straight to voicemail.

"Hey, Stiles..." Derek's voice said through the phone.

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows, not remembering this being part of Derek's voicemail.

"If you're listening to this, I'm dead. Stiles, I know I promised you I would come back, but I know I'm going to die. I'll have to sacrifice myself for the pack. I'm sorry."

Isaac's voice broke into the voicemail. "Derek, what're you doing?"

Derek cursed. "Shit, Isaac hold on... Please. Stiles, I want you to know that I love you, okay? So much. Don't you ever forget that. I'm sorry I broke my promise, too. But I love you."

The voicemail then ended, and Stiles dropped his phone on his lap. He couldn't help himself as he broke into tears for the death of his love.

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